Chapter 28: Another Chance To Live

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Author's POV:

Darkness, regret, sadness, guilt, and every bad emotion you could possibly think of took over you

The darkness infront of your eyes scared you, the regret of not talking and enjoying the time properly with your friends, the sadness of how you can't meet any of the people you care about again and the guilt of taking your time with your parents for granted ate you up

Just as you thought every thing ended, you saw a little beam of light which was calling you

You somehow felt attracted to it so you decided to go towards it, scared of the dark

Chan's POV:

Me, Jungkook,Hyunjin and Tae were all standing beside her unconscious figure when I saw her trying to open her eyes

"Is she awake?" Jungkook asked and soon enough she opened her eyes but quickly closed them because of the blinding lights

"FINALLY!" hyunjin spoke with excitement and a hint of relief which made me sigh too

Tae hyung held her hand and asked jungkook to call the others and he did. She was not speaking but she was awake and aware of our presence

After 15 mins everyone arrived and Soo-Ah practically bursted through the doors and hugged the now sitting figure on the bed and started crying

"I am so sorry y/n, I am REALLY REALLY sorry..." She spoke between her crys and Tae patted her back trying to control his tears

I looked around the room and everyone's eyes were glistening in tears, it was a moment to remember

"Can you speak?" Soo-Ah softly asked her and she nodded before barely mumbling a 'yes'

We called the doctor and he took a look at her "she is a strong girl to overcome that much amount of gas" Tae hyung chuckled "oh we know that" Minho said which made everyone smile

"She is still weak and it will take sometime to overcome it, she might not be able to speak very well for now so please don't force her and take good care of her" the doctor explained and everyone thanked him before Seungmin, Jaehyun and Jeongin walked out with him to get something for all of us

"We are so glad to see you awake y/n" Felix spoke and she looked confused "ho-w lo- ahh" she tried speaking but failed "don't force yourself, you can use signs to tell us wht u wanna say" Changbin spoke and she nodded

She tried to show a few signs but we were all clueless "are you using sign language or Alien Language??" I asked but everyone looked at me as If I had done something very wrong

But after a few tries we pieced it together "Are you asking how long have you been asleep?" Hyunjin guessed and she sighed nodding to him

"Well it might be shocking but it's been 5 days..." Han carefully said and I saw the slight shock in her eyes
"But we r so glad to see you finally awake, the doctor said you wouldn't be able to make- AHH" Han screamed after receiving a slap from Soo-Ah

"I am sure we all have questions to ask and only you can answer us but we will wait for you to recover first and then you will tell us all about it okay?" Tae hyung held her hand and patted her head

Everyone sat and chatted for little while before Jeongin spoke up "don't you wanna know how we found you?" Y/n was a little hesitant but then nodded "actually Chan was the first one to notice that you are gone" Seungmin said making everyone look at me and that's when me and y/n's eyes met and I remembered all about the incident and how I found her

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