Chapter 22: School Essay

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Y/N's POV:

"Another day of school being bored as heck" Soo-Ah beside me said and I nodded at her

"I don't even know how those guys keep themselves entertain" Soo-Ah said looking back at Chan,Minho and Jisung with me when I caught Jisung staring at Soo-Ah but quickly looking at his book when Soo-Ah turned

"I don't know about the others but HE has a really boring way to keep himself entertained" I replied going back to my old posture when she looked at me confused

"Who?? And how??" She asked but I just shrugged and she rolled her eyes at my reply cause she knew if I didn't wanted to tell something then I won't

"Silence class!" the teacher came in and everyone went to their seats and my seatmate, jungkook also came and sat beside me with a little smile

"Ok so everyone may I get your attention please??" The teacher asked and everyone said yes in unision "so the last time I gave you a group project which....many of you did extremely well...." She said looking at the toppers of the class "many did their best and were creative..." She said looking towards me and minsung at the back, "and many.... let's just say tried" she looked at the kids who were almost bad at their studies and Chan since he didn't even do anything with the group he was paired with

"So, I am giving you guys another project of writing an essay-"
As soon as these words came out of her mouth the kids started booing cause...who likes essays??

"Calm down and trust me, this one will bee fun" everyone reluctantly agreed and gave their attention to her again "this essay will count in your final grades so make sure to do your best and it will be a DUO PROJECT"

"wait really?? Then y/n, pleaseee be my partner" I looked at jungkook who was looking at me with his big doe eyes with expectations "we'll see" I said and gave him a little nod

"And I will choose your partners since I want everyone to get good grades this time, I will pair one good student with another average student so all of you can learn something new and who knows?, maybe get better right?" She said with the bright smile and I understood that she wanted what's best for the kids but none of the kids were happy about her decision

"Ok so now I will pair you guys up and then tell you the topic" I looked at jungkook and he was playing with his hands and as far as I can think, it's because he wants me to be his partner?? Idk but I just hope I am not with someone I don't know

The teacher started calling out names with an occasional "YES!!" or "UGH!!" from the students

"Next is uh....HAN JISUNG and KIM SOO-AH"
"YES!!" Everyone looked at the source of this sound and the guy turned awkward "why ar.....are you guys looking at me huh?! I am happy...that...that..YEAH!....THAT I GOT PAIRED WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS SO GO ON DO YOUR THING" he said and everyone turned back around "no one is taking your happiness away dude" Minho said to Han and Soo-Ah rolled her eyes and looked at me with a sad smile but I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled

"Next.....JEON JUNGKOOK and...."
"oh no I am nervous" jungkook said and I gave him a pat on the shoulder and he looked at me with a smile

"....LEE MINHO,next is LEE Y/N and BANGCHAN" as soon as I heard the names my head dropped to my desk with Jungkook since we both were not quite happy with our partners

"OK so now everyone change their seats and sit with your partner" the teacher asked and sounds of some chairs shifting started coming from the whole room

"looks like I have to go" jungkook said and I give him a sad smile "don't worry... Minho will take good care of you, he ain't a monster besides, you need to get comfortable with the others too" he smiled and understood what I said before giving me a little bye and going to sit besides Minho and I saw Chan coming my way with an annoyed look on his face

He sat beside me and gave me a look to which I just sarcastically smiled and looked away


"Now about the topic...." Everyone looked at the teacher and she started explaining

"The topic is 'THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT', now in this topic you need to write about the moment which you experienced and was the most beautiful to you but here is the need to write the essay COMBINING the your and your partners MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT and create a unique story with it"

Hearing this was like a bomb being dropped on you, although the topic was interesting but it was really hard to combine two completely different things into a story. Sure it was not impossible but it's harder to think rather than done, looking at the fact that you are working with the kid who by looking at, gives you no hope but you can be wrong, right??

"As this is a hard essay, I am giving you guys two weeks to complete it and submit it to me and the most unique one will get the highest score and it will be attached on the schools board so be prepared" just then the bell rang and teacher went out of the class while the students started discussing the whole project

Chan stretched as the teacher left and looked at you who was packing her bag to leave "you don't wanna discuss??" Chan asked you to which you looked at him and hung one strap of the bag to your shoulder and said

"You know we will meet in the library so we can do it then" with that you left leaving your bestie behind who was discussing about the project to her boy- I mean Han


Chan was waiting in the library for y/n, pretty confused as to why you are late cause you are on time everyday

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard some giggles coming from the door of the Library and the source of it was Jungkook along with Minho and You

"Heyaa! Chan" Minho said and sat beside Chan who was still confused about the whole situation

"They need some help so they are gonna be here" you said sitting next to jungkook and Chan nodded "honestly, Minho isn't that bad but you are better" Jungkook said flashing a smile towards you and Minho just frowned

"Yah! You know how much I made you laugh?"
"Well yeah...but it won't get our grades up will it?"

"SHHHH" the librarian signalled them to quiet down and they did "so let's start cause I don't wanna be here for long" Chan said and they agreed, starting their work.


After some time, Minho and Jungkook knew what they needed to write because of y/n's help but y/n and Chan had no idea since the other two kept talking about their problems and not giving a chance for them to work on their stuff

Even tho y/n was happy to help the two she was exhausted from today and since Chan has a car, asked him if he can drive her and he agreed

Minho went with Jungkook so he can drop him off at his house

"Thanks for giving me a ride" y/n said as soon as they reached her house

"Mhmm but we didn't got anything done" Chan said and y/n nodded "it's ok, we still have almost two weeks" Chan made an O with his mouth in understanding and looked infront again

"I will get going then" y/n said and got out of his car while he waved a bye to her and she went inside

Just when y/n got to her house Chan received a text from Jungkook


So....I am back!
ok so I have nothing more to say...Please enjoy

Cold But Sweet || BangchanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora