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The next morning after the group played a night game during the 4th of July they are then playing in the sandlot.

"Oh no!" Squints says as everyone sees Phillips and his team headed their way on bikes.

"And that's how you ruin a peaceful morning." Alexis says as the group goes over to Benny as Phillips and his team come over.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a hot girl, and a fat kid Rodriguez." Phillips says as Alexis looks at him.

"They're not rejects. None of them are." Alexis says defensively.

"You're only sticking up for them because they let you play with them. A hot girl like you has no place on a field with a bunch of rejects. Everyone knows girls can't play sports. I think you're better suited elsewhere. Like being a cheerleader. Kind of makes me wonder how you would look in my team's cheerleader uniforms." Phillips says as Alexis gives an angry look.

"Okay that is it!" Alexis says angrily and tries to go after Phillips only for Yeah-Yeah, Kenny, and Bertram to grab her and try to hold her back.

"Chill Alexis!" Kenny shouts as he, Yeah-Yeah, and Bertram are struggling to keep a hold of Alexis.

"Go ahead. Let her go. It's kind of amusing seeing her stick up for a team of losers and rejects anyway." Phillips says as Alexis gets loose from the three boys and gives a dirty look to Phillips.

"Shut your mouth Phillips." Benny says angrily.

"What'd you say crap face?" Ham asks as Phillips looks at him.

"I said you shouldn't even be to touch a baseball. Except for Rodriguez you're all an insult to the game." Phillips says.

"Come on! We'll take you on right here right now!" Ham shouts.

"Come on!" Alexis and the others shout in agreement.

"We play on a real diamond Porter. You ain't good to lick the dirt off our cleats." Phillips says as he and Ham throw insults at each other.

"You play ball like a girl!" Ham shouts as everyone goes quiet before a few laugh.

"What did you say?" Phillips asks.

"You heard me." Ham says bluntly.

"Tomorrow. Noon. At our field. Be there buffalo-butt breath." Phillips says.

"Count on it pee-drinking crap face!" Ham shouts.

"But just to make things a little more interesting I got a proposition for you."Phillips says as Benny looks at him.

"And what's that exactly?" Benny asks annoyedly.

"If we win your hot little friend there has to hang out my team and me for the rest of the year." Phillips says as Alexis's jaw drops in offense.

"Excuse me!?" Alexis asks offendedly.

"No way. We're not betting Alexis like that." Benny says angrily.

"What's the matter? Afraid you'll lose?" Phillips asks as everyone looks at Benny.

"You know what? Fine. But if we win then you have to leave her and the rest of us alone from now on." Benny says.

"Guess we got ourselves a bet then. This will be the easiest bet I've ever won." Phillips says as he and his team leave.

"I can not believe you guys just bet me like that!" Alexis says angrily.

"Well at least when we win he won't be bothering us anymore." Ham says as Alexis looks unimpressed.

"And what happens if you lose? Then I get stuck with the receiving end. All I can is you guys better win tomorrow because if not I'm gonna give you all an ear full for that." Alexis says as some of the boys give shameful looks.

His Girl The Sandlot Benny X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now