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"Where you guys been? We've been waiting here forever already." Benny says as the group is waiting in the dug out before Squints and Yeah-Yeah come over.

"Aw was pervin' a dish." Yeah-Yeah says as he hands Benny the ball before Squints looks at him.

"Shut up. I wasn't." Squints says annoyedly.

"Yeah, yeah you were. Your tongue was hangin' out of your head and you was swoonin'. Oh Wendy Peffercorn my darling lover girl." Yeah-Yeah says as he chuckles.

"I said shut up! I've got a lot of things on my mind." Squints says.

"This pop isn't working Benny. I'm baking like a toasted cheeser! It's so hot here!" Ham says as he takes a drink from his pop bottle.

"It's 150 out there. You can't play baseball." Squints says.

"I have to agree Benny. It's pretty hot. Even in the shade and with a drink." Alexis says

"You have to call it for the day." Squints says.

"You gotta listen to him Benny." Bertram says as Alexis and Yeah-Yeah nod in agreement.

"Vote then. Anybody who to be... a can't hack it pantywaist... who wears their mama's bra raise your hand." Benny asks as everyone raises their hand but him.

"Looks like you're out voted on this one Benny." Alexis says as she looks at the others before at Benny who sighs in annoyance and defeat.

"Fine, fine, fine! Be like that. So what are we do?" Benny asks as Yeah-Yeah and some of the others start laughing and smiling.

"Scam pool honeys!" The boys except for Benny and Scott shout happily in union.

"No offense Alexis." Squints says as Alexis looks at him.

"None taken but I'm still gonna just pretend I didn't hear that." Alexis says.


"Aw man." Kenny says as the guys are watching Wendy on the lifeguard seat as they're in the pool.

"Yeah, yeah. Too cool." Yeah-Yeah says.

"She don't know what she's doing." Timmy says.

"She don't know what she's doing." Tommy says.

"Yeah she does. She knows exactly what she's doing." Bertram says as Alexis scoffs at the boys drooling over Wendy.

"Oh come on Alexis. I mean you're a beautiful girl too. Guys drool over you too." Ham says as he looks at Alexis.

"Mainly guys I don't want drooling over me. Besides at least when majority of you guys hit on me when I first started hanging around you guys at least you didn't try and over step boundaries. Unlike some people I can think of." Alexis says.

"That was kind of funny though when Benny broke Phillip's nose over that one comment he made about you." Squints says as he laughs slightly before Alexis sees Benny a little ways away and swims over to him.

"How come you're not over there going gaga over little miss lifeguard?" Alexis asks as Benny looks at her.

"Oh um I just don't think she is all that pretty. I mean she is okay but I do have eyes elsewhere." Benny says bluntly.

"And where's that?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Is that a new bikini? It looks really good on you. Though I've always thought you look good in white. Compliments your eyes." Benny says nervously as Alexis looks at him.

"Uh-huh. Change the subject. But thanks." Alexis says as she smiles.

"So what did Kenny mean when he was going to say something about why you nearly always agree with me on things?" Benny asks as Alexis blushes slightly.

"Um uh nothing. Just means that you and I have become pretty close." Alexis says nervously.

"Really now?" Benny asks.

"Yep." Alexis says.

"So uh I was wondering-" Benny then gets cut off by Alexis.

"Uh what is Squints doing?" Alexis asks as she swims over to the others as Squints gets out of the pool.

"What's wrong with him?" Scott asks as Squints smiles while he is walking.

"What's he doing?" Benny asks as he swims over.

"Three summers of this. I think he finally snapped." Kenny says as Squints then gets on the diving board.

"I don't know. But that's the deep end and Squints can't swim." Alexis says as Squints then jumps off into the deep water causing the others to shout and out of the water before getting Wendy's attention as she dives in after Squints and pulls him out of the water and onto the ground. The group then moves back as Wendy begins to do mouth to mouth resuscitation on Squints.

"What?" The group asks as Squints barely opens his eyes before pulling Wendy in for a kiss until she gets away from him in a hurry.

"Little pervert! And stay out!" Wendy shouts as the group is quickly escorted from the pool and banned.

"Oh hey here's your glasses. Did you plan that?" Ham asks as the group is walking off with their clothes.

"Of course I did. I been planning it for years." Squints says as he smiles.

"You guys he planned that! He knew what he was doing!" Ham shouts.

"Glad he knew because you scared us doing that Squints!" Alexis says angrily as she looks at Squints.

"Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." Squints says as he is smiling like an idiot causing Alexis to shake her head.

His Girl The Sandlot Benny X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now