Chapter 7

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Manny's was packed tight. Everyone was decked out in costumes, that to be honest, looked like they came from a supermarket. "Drinks or dance?" Eric asked us all. He had took off his hat and fanned himself. The atmosphere was hot and stuffy. The smell of sweat was in the air. "Drinks." I chose, while Luca made out to the dance floor.

We were seated at the bar, with Talon's arm around my waist, pulling me close.
"You look amazing." He whispered in my ear. I grinned and grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.

"You know I always liked the three musketeers?" His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, always found them sexy, you know." I bit his ear, laughing when he groaned.

"Don't start what you can't finish."

"Who said I wasn't going to finish?" I raised my eyebrow. He smirked.

The blonde bartender walked up and smiled at me. "Scotch Girl!" He polished a few glasses and winked at me. "A scotch?"

Sophia piped in. "Make that two."

The guys ordered five shots of vodka and Sophia squealed when Time of Our Lives by Pit bull and Neo came on. She grabbed the bottle of vodka and pulled me to my feet on the dance floor. We danced to the beat of the music, Soph pouring vodka into my mouth occasionally. People began clapping and moving back. Guys started
whistling, girls throwing us glares of jealousy.

When the song ended, we moved back to the bar and I was surprised when Talon kissed me full on the mouth. "I never knew you could dance."

"Among other things." I winked and downed my shot of scotch, ignoring the burn. I downed another, before pulling Talon to the dance floor. The song that was playing was fast beat and energetic.
I started grinding into him, his hands on my hips. I felt the heat of him radiated of his body and licked my skin like flames.
He pulled my hips closer and groaned from the close contact. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tipped my hat over my eyes and crashed his mouth into mine. He moaned softly and backed me into the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his tongue licked the roof of my mouth. I began grinding against him as our tongues fought for dominance.
It was as if it was just the two of us in the entire club.

"Get a room!" Luca chuckled and we pulled back. He had his hands on a red headed fairy and was watching us with interest.

"Ha ha-" I stopped when I felt a shiver up my spine and I saw a dark figure out the corner of my eye. "What?" It fled and I took after it.

"Eve!" Talon called after me, but I was long gone. I dodged sweaty bodies, slid between couples, with the goal of capturing that thing. It was lightning fast, but I saw it run through the door into the lot.

Of course I knew that I wasn't invincible, so I opened the door. The streets were quiet and desolate. The wind blew past me with a teeth chattering chill.

"Hello?" I asked it. "It's okay, I just want to help you."

I was thrown against a brick wall by a blur. I closed my eyes and moaned and heard a sickening crack as my skull hit solid brick. When I opened my eyes, there was a middle aged man standing before me. He wore baggy clothes, that looked two sizes too big for him. His chin was littered with light stubble. His eyes were black, there wasnt a pupil or whites of the eyeball...just blackness. His eyes looked devoid of humanity and soulless.

"You can't help me, Reaper!" He tilted his head and walked closer.

"I can, you can cross through me." I pleaded.

He slapped me hard and I went slack jawed, tasting blood. "You think I want to go back to hell?"

He pulled me by my shirt, ripping it in the process. Nailing blows to my face. Then suddenly he was thrown to the ground. A warm hand turned my face from side to side, inspecting the damage. "Oh Evelyn..." His voice sounded appalled and livid.

A gun shot pierced my ears and Talon fell to the ground with a thud. I looked up to see the guy with a gun in hand, standing a couple of yards away.

"TALON!" I screamed, blood gushed from the wound on the back of his neck. His body went still and he took his last breath.

I cradled his head and kissed his cheek. Tears running down my face. I felt as though a piece of my soul just died and my heart broke. Talon was my everything, my love, and he killed him.

"Not today Azazel." The man chuckled and I stood up to my feet. My body shook with rage and hatred as I gazed upon the murderer. "YOU KILLED HIM!"

Raw energy and power flooded my veins and I literally vibrated. I turned my hate toward the man. I raised my Hans and focused every inch of power on obliterating him.

My hand began to glow and one thought circled on my head. Boom! Blood rained down on me and the streets as flesh and guts splattered the walls of buildings and I grinned with satisfactory.

Lightning and thunder struck the sky and rain mixed with blood. The streets were coated in red like paint. With a single thought buildings caught on fire and I giggled in joy at the chaos I created. My clothes were soaked with rain water and blood and clung my body.

Luca ran out of the club with a horrified expression on his face. He ran towards me, rain pelting him in the process, and shook my shoulders. "What did you do?!" I raised my hands and pushed outward and he was thrown back close to Talon.
"Eve stop, please!" he pleaded.
He crawled to Talon and chanted a few words. My rage grew and lighting stoke more powerful, thunder boomed louder, and rain fell faster. His voice was blocked out by the storm.

I looked back at Luca bent over Talon. His palm outstretched and the bullet fell out of the wound into his hand. Blood rushed back into his body and the wound healed before my eyes. "In the name of God, I command you to breath the air of life and Awake!"

I raised my hand and Luca was lifted into the air, bright white wings sprouted from his back and expanded. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" I closed my fist and he clutched his throat as I suffocated him.

Talon slowly got to his feet and ran towards me. He yelled. "Release!" and Luca fell to the ground. The storm got louder and the Earth rumbled. "Evelyn STOP!" He yelled over the storm at me and shook me.

I blinked a couple of times and the storm ceased. The full moon shining through the now clear sky. I felt blood dribbling down from my nose. "Talon?" He pulled my face between his hands. "What's wrong with me?"

And everything went black as I went slump in his arms.

I woke up with a start in a bed. But it wasn't my bed. Talon was sitting in an arm chair, with his face in a book. 50 Shades of Grey it read. "Nice book." I tried to laugh but my body ached. He put the book down and appeared at my side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, grabbing a glass of water, helping me drink it. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until after I drunk my fifth glass of water.

"It feels like an elephant trampled my body." I groaned in agony. "How long have I been out?"

"A week now." He set the glass on the bedside table. "Do you remember anything?"

Unfortunately, I did and I regretted everything I did. "I killed a man." The dam broke and I broke down in his arms. I cried for Luca, my actions, and the life I took. There wasn't an excuse for what id done. I was just thinking how could I live with myself now.

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