Chapter 1

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"Caramel Frappuccino!" ordered the striking man in a finely tailored business suit. He had black wavy hair framing blue eyes over tan skin. He wasn't Jersey tanned, but surfer tanned, as if he spent sunny days riding waves. Through the black suit, I could see the bulge of his muscles. As I reached his face , I saw his eyes twinkle in amusement. Great, I just got caught mentally undressing him. I thought. "See somethin' you like?"  He smirked; His voice was husky and deep.

I turned around and gave Rose his order, rolling my eyes when I saw she was practically drooling over Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. "Rose!", I snapped my fingers. "Caramel Frappuccino!"  She regained her focus. "Right, sorry, coming right up!" She patted her hair in place and wiped drool from the corner of her mouth. 

As I turned back to the guy, I gasped as I realized that every woman in the café had identical reactions to Rose's. "How did you manage to affect the entire female population in here?" I gasped in surprise.

His eyes caught my own and he tilted his head. "Do I affect you too?" As I leaned in, I realized that heat practically radiated off of him. "I've seen better. " I whispered in his ear. His smirk grew. " I doubt that." I folded my arms. " Cocky aren't you?" He leaned in close, his breathe warm against my ear. "Among other things."

I was about to reply with a snarky remark, when a bell rang from behind me and Rose thrust a cup into my hand and retreated to the back. "That'll be $5.87" I said, placing his Frappe' on the counter in front of him. He pulled out two crisp $100 dollar bills and laid it out in front of me.  "Keep the change." He walked away before I could protest about not needing anyone's charity.  He sat at a table that gave him a clear view of me and raised his eyes to me, sipping his Frappe'. I can play the staring game too, I thought.

I was so caught up in the game, that I almost didn't see the little girl in front of me.  Her blonde hair was in pig tails and two of her front teeth were missing; She was dressed in a black shirt and jumper. Her blue eyes were in awe as she gazed upon me. "You're so shiny!"

I smiled and she was really adorable. "What can I get you sugar?" She studied the menu closely. "French coffee, please.", she grinned. "Did it really come all the way from France?"

I chuckled. "Not at all sugar and aren't you a little too young for coffee?" She shook her head "I'm five, a big girl."  I giggled. It must be for her mother I thought. "Rose," I called out. "One coffee for this cutie." I heard Rose running to the front. I smiled at the girl, before turning to Rose. "Here's a coffee for sugar here." I motioned to the little girl.

Rose's face contorted in confusion. "Where?", she asked. "What little girl?" I looked from Rose to the girl. "Here ." I pointed in front of me. "Eve there's no one there." she stated slowly, as if I was crazy. A shiver went up my back and I realized all eyes were on me.  Frappe guy's eyes looked cool, calculating , and amused. "I'm sorry!" I took off my apron and ran to the storage room. 

The storage room was cold and quiet. I sat on a package of coffee beans and put my chin on my knees. I tried to figure out what was going on when a voice stopped me. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you." I looked up and the girl was staring down at her shoes, tears running down her cheeks. "Sweetie it's fine." I pulled her onto my lap and comforted her. "How'd it happen?"  I asked cautiously. "Mommy took Joey and I hiking with Daddy.", she began. "Joey and I were racing and I fell. I hurt my head real bad. Daddy put ice on it , but it still hurt, so I went to bed and I never woke up again." I kissed her forehead and told her everything was going to be okay. "You have to pass through me now, somewhere where you can be happy." She raised her head and nodded. "Will you tell Mommy and Daddy and Joey I love them. And tell Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting because it makes Joey cry, but I give him Snuggles so he's okay. We live at 1465 James Street." I nodded, lifted her off my lap, and stood up.

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