Chapter 2

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The song Skinny love was picked for describing the mother's loss.

Miss Sophia Jacobs

He saved you right?" Sophia asked. We were sitting in our den, with white mugs of hot chocolate in our hands. Her feet were in my lap and I started focusing on them.

"Yeah, but that's not the point.", I explained. "He was talking about being sent here to save me."

She gave me a look. "When you told me, you could not only speak and see, but guide the dead, when we were 12, I believed you." She readjusted the pillow behind her and gave me a judging look.

"Actually.", I contradicted. "You said 'you're weird, but that's cool'." I eyed her back. I grinned when I saw hers creeping up her face.

She sat her mug down on the coffee table, but not before taking one more sip. "I still accepted you."

She had me there. "Fine, I'll talk to him." I sighed, accepting that she was right. She patted my head and hugged me goodnight. "Don't forget, we're going to look at homes tomorrow."

I sighed. I hated and dreaded the day when we'd go house looking. I loved our little cookie cutter house. It was cozy and exuded warmth; I was contributing to the rent(barely) but we were managing. I had begged her to allow this to be permanent, but Soph always thought it was too small. I headed upstairs to my room. The walls were painted turquoise with black lining. The bed was blue with black comforter and pictures of my sister, brother, and parents lined my walls and bedside table. As I pulled my hair into a ponytail , I saw a note written in perfect cursive writing, lied delicate on my pillow.

Evelyn, There's much we need to discuss. There's much you don't understand. Meet me at Crissy Fields tomorrow around noon.

- Talon

Should I meet him? I asked myself. I need answers and I'll admit he saved me tonight. I slipped into the bed and gasped when my skin came into contact with the cold sheets. I crossed my hands behind my head and replayed what happened at Manny's in my head over and over. Were there other reapers out there? Why did they come for me? My mind swirled with questions. My head started to pound , so I decided to get some sleep in. Even a reaper has to have her sleep you know.

I pressed my finger to the door bell and shifted my brown booted feet on the creaky porch. Footsteps lead to the door and it opened to a pale, grief stricken woman answered the door. "Are you a reporter?" She asked as she took in my black fedora, white shirt, and brown vest. My browns furrowed.

"No, mam, I need to discuss a few things about your daughter with you." I explained. I took in her blonde tangled hair and her hallowed face, as if she hadn't eaten in days.

"Come in." was all she said, swinging the door open. I walked in and cold air hit me automatically. I looked around and saw the house in dis ray- papers were scattered everywhere, boxes in the middle of the room. "Please excuse the mess, I didn't plan on cleaning up till the day of the funeral." She stated in a monotone voice.

We sat on a soft, plush red couch and I met her eyes, which were marked with depression and loss. "My name is Eve Campbell and I have a gift." I began. "I can... see, speak to, and guide the dead to either heaven or hell."

The woman's face was contorted in rage.

"Mrs. Campbell if this is a joke-"

"It's not I swear hear me out."

"You have ten seconds to convince me you are being completely and utterly honest, before I call the police."

I took a deep breath." Your daughter told me to tell you and your husband to stop fighting at night because it makes Joey cry, but he stops when she gives him Snuggles. She said she loves you and-"

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