Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8: Living Up to a Legend

Months had passed and (Y/N) was ranked as a Kinoto, her skills continuously growing. Her training with Rengoku and Mitsuri has slowed down, as she's busy with her own missions now, but she always remembers the valuable things they taught her.

As (Y/N) was cleaning the house, Rengoku retuned from a Hashira meeting.

"Little (L/N)! I have interesting news!"

"Coming!" She smiled before running up to Rengoku. She had asked him to catch her up on the meeting, as this was a topic she was interested in.

"Today, we were met with a Mizunoto who came face to face with Kibutsuji himself! Also, this boy is carrying his demon sister along with him!"

"He's a Demon Slayer? With a demon?" (Y/N) smacked her forehead. "What was he thinking?"

"He claims that she won't dare to eat, or even harm any human! As comical as I find that to be, I will respect Oyakata-Sama's wishes!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at such news. "Oyakata-Sama actually approved to let this boy keep a demon with him?"

"Indeed he did! We were ready to annihilate both the boy and the demon until he stopped us!"

To the Tsuguko, this whole situation was shocking. How was this boy even able to keep a demon with him, wouldn't it disintegrate in the sun? And how did he manage to come across Kibutsuji, let alone survive that encounter? On top of all this, why did Oyakata-Sama let them live? If it was up to (Y/N), that demon would be long gone, for her life was ruined by a singular demon. It's because of those damned demons that she went through all of that pain. She wouldn't let that happen to anyone else if she had the chance to stop it. Even if that demon-hugging boy was innocent, she'd put his life on the line to kill that beloved demon of his, with her bare hands if she had to. If Oyakata-Sama asked her to stop... well, of course she would, it's Oyakata-Sama. But she wouldn't feel good about it.

"So those are other things Hashira need to consider... that's some responsibility." (Y/N) noted, already feeling an extreme form of cognitive dissonance.

"Yes, Little (L/N)! We have much more to account for than just demon slaying!" Rengoku grinned. "I'm telling you this so you can be prepared for the future!"

(Y/N) smiled to herself, flattered that he thinks she's strong enough to be a Hashira someday. "Thank you, Rengoku-Sama!"

"No problem! Now, I must get some sleep for an upcoming mission I have! It's suspected that one of the Twelve Kizuki are involved!" Rengoku patted (Y/N)'s head before turning around.

"Rest well! And good luck on your mission! I know you'll handle everything just fine!"

(Y/N) then headed to bed herself. She laid on her futon, her mind full for some reason. Surely she wasn't worried for Rengoku, right? After all that he's shown her he's capable of? After all of those missions she joined him on? There's no way she should worry. Even if it was one of the Twelve Kizuki, it's Rengoku. It's her master. Surely he could defeat it. He's beaten countless demons before, what makes this time any different? Right?

What makes this time any different?


It's become known that Muichirou and (Y/N) are friends, but not everyone knew the depths of their feelings. Or, more specifically, (Y/N)'s. The girl was left wondering how he truly felt about her. While her frequent visits resulted in them getting familiar with one another, he was still a relatively closed book. At least now she wasn't worried about him disliking her.

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