Chapter Five

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Chapter 5: Flowers

The next day, Ginko reminded Muichirou to go to town for groceries. Though, something about getting groceries, a usual part of his routine, felt off today. He felt like he should be doing something else. Past his monotone appearance, he was irritated yet didn't know the cause of this annoyed feeling inside of him. It started last night and for some reason, (Y/N) lingered in the back of his mind. Was it that he felt bad for not knowing who she is? Was he frustrated because of his memory loss?

He lost his concentration and stopped when he noticed a distracting scene. Four men surrounded a young girl, one of them pulling her by her collar. Muichirou paused, there was something about this girl that made him want to stare at her and he couldn't figure out why.

"You owe us the money, brat!"

"I will give it to you as promised, but you said it wasn't due for another week..."

"Yeah, well change of plans! We need it now, so hand it over!"

"I'm sorry, I don't have it with me!"

"Worthless!" The man then pushed her to the ground.

It was at that moment that Muichirou made the connection. This girl looked to be around his age. Her hair was done like (Y/N)'s was yesterday. The most striking thing about her was the look on her face. The look of absolute worry, the look that (Y/N) gave Muichirou after he told her that he never wanted to see her again. This poor girl here was being pushed around by multiple men twice her size. All she could do was sit there with that look of agony on her face, hoping the punishment she'd receive wouldn't hurt too badly. Was this level of pain similar to what (Y/N) felt when she gave Muichirou that same stare? Did she feel totally helpless like this? He couldn't help but wonder, did he cause her such pain?

The girl happened to look at him, her eyes pleading for help though she couldn't bring herself to ask for it. It was so unfair, it made something inside of Muichirou snap. Instantly turning infuriated, he approached the men. "Leave her alone."

"Tch, what're you gonna do?"

Muichirou just stared him down. Someone like this idiot of a man was not worth responding to.

"Whatever. Mind your own business, kid." The man rolled his eyes and turned back around, kicking the girl after she tried to get up. Though he didn't seem to put much effort into the kick, she was thrown to the wall behind her.

"I said leave her alone!" Muichirou lost it. That was the first time he'd raised his voice in years. He launched himself to the group of men and, quite frankly, beat their asses. He may have been physically weaker than them, but from his intense training, and his speed compared to theirs, he was able to bring them all to the ground. He didn't care how hurt they got. In his mind, he was not protecting some stranger, he was protecting (Y/N).

They were all knocked out except for one, the guy who kicked the girl, and he was barely awake. He was attempting to stand so Muichirou kicked him back down, giving him a taste of his own medicine. The Hashira then lifted his head from the ground, pulling him by his short hair. "Never bother that girl again, do you understand? If I see you near her next time I'm here, I won't let you leave alive," he then slammed his face back into the ground.

Muichirou brushed his hands together before looking back to the girl. She was trembling, the panic still in her eyes as she said, "thank you..."

He didn't say anything. He swore she was (Y/N), almost forgetting that she wasn't. It was truly as if she was right in front of him, he could see her, but "her" figure faded and returned to being the girl that Muichirou really defended. With that, like flashbacks, he suddenly remembered the times he spent with (Y/N), the times that he called her crazy for saying existed. When they met, their talk at the Butterfly Estate, and his birthday visit. Most of all, he recalled her beautiful, bright smile, the one she gave him unconditionally. "Damn it..."

"Dear (Y/N)" (Tokitou Muichirou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now