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(Not edited)

I was catching up on some assignements when my phone went off and it saw a text message from an unknown number

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I was catching up on some assignements when my phone went off and it saw a text message from an unknown number.

(917)-555-0141: 911. Get to the warehouse now.

I sighed before grabbed my bag and putting my stuff in there before heading out to my car. I drove to the warehouse and waiting for the rest to get here. I turned to the side and saw Effie's car, I turned off and got out of my car and headed over to her. 

"The fuck does this nigga want? I was tryna get these assignments done." She snorted.

"What you need to do is stop skipping your classes." I pouted

"I already have to Tariq and Imani more than I need to, it's not my fault their asses came here." I said making her laugh before it died down.

"T be real with me, are you okay?" I exhaled through my nose.

"I'm as okay as I can be... It's just we have so much shit going on, I don't want everyone to worry about me on top of it. I'm used to handling shit on my own, I mean I went through an abusive relationship and didn't tell anyone shit. I would've still be going through it if it was for Diana finding out and telling Cane who basically scared him into leaving New York. It took everything for Cane not to kill him, I never told Zeke because I knew how he could get. Two years Fie. Two years of cheating, two years of mental, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. He wouldn't even waste his time having sex with me because he would be too busy berating me and beating my ass everyday. Everyone would ask me if I was okay and I would say yeah because I didn't want them to know what was going on in my head. It took a year for me to be okay with even talking about it, and it took a year for me to go back to being myself. Everything I have ever done was be myself because I don't talk about the shit I've been through." She didn't say anything, she just pulled me into a tight hug.

"You're not alone T, you don't have to do things alone anymore. That's what we're here for: me, Brayden, Cane, Ivy, Trace, Becca, shit Brayden's parents. We're all here and we're not going anywhere, so let us in okay?" I nodded and hugged her tighter, we pulled away once we heard cars pulled in. All the boys got out and I noticed Imani wasn't here but I didn't care enough to say anything.

"Yall good?" Cane asked looking at Effie before looking at me.

"We're fine." Effie told him

"Come on, let's head inside." I said but I was held back by Brayden while everyone else headed inside.

"Bray what is it?" He gave me a look.

"You're lying, what just happened?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'll tell you another time okay? We have to head inside." He just stared at me for a second before nodding and we went inside. We walked over to where everyone was at and we were just standing there. I saw two barrels standing in front of us. Then we heard and then saw a truck coming over with four more barrels of what I'm guessing is product. And then another truck came over with two big ass boxes.

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