Track: Eleven

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  * Brooklyn Baby
  ~ | Season 1, Track 7:
     "She's Gone."


"I want to marry her." Eddie said frantically as he stood on Camila Dunnes doorstep.
She stood in shock as his arrival and the words that fell from his lips.
"She's everything to me, and we're going on a world tour, i wanna ask her before." Eddie rambles.
"Ok, ok. Come inside." Camila said as she pulled the frantic bassist into her living room.
She made him sit on the couch and went off to grab him some coffee. She walked back from the kitchen and sat next to him, handing him the coffee while holding her own.
"Eddie, this is incredible. I've been waiting for you to ask her for so long." Camila said, rubbing his shoulder.
"What do I do first." Eddie said thoughts racing in his mind.
"First, you need to buy a ring and figure out where and when you want to ask her." Camila said.
"I wanna ask her at the beach where we had our first date."Eddie said with a proud smile.
"That's perfect." Camila said, smiling.
Eddie stood up abruptly.
Camila stood after him.
He walked to the door to leave.
"Where are you going." Camila said, calling after him.
"To buy a ring." He said while holding the door open.
"Let me go with you." Camila said.
"Yea, that's probably a good idea." Eddie said and shut the door, leaning on it.
She quickly put Julia in a carrier and grabbed supplies for her, and walked back down the stairs to find Eddie gone.
She opened the door and walked out and closed it. locking it after.
She heard Eddie's car running and walked over to it.
She opened the back door and sat Julia's carrier on the seat and strapped her in.
She closed the door and walked back over to the passengers side and got it.
Camila and Eddie carefully studied the rings inside the cases.
Every ring Camila showed him, he turned down.
"She doesn't like over the top things. She would like something simple." Eddie said towards Camila as they walked the aisle.
Camila nodded her head and continued searching.
Julia babbling every now and then as Camila held her.
A couple of hours pass, and they continue going back and forth between aisles.
Eddie starts to grow and worried after not finding the perfect ring.
"You know I think we'll call it a day, I'll find somewhere else tomorrow." Eddie said worry across his features.
He starts to walk towards the door, and Camila walks after him.
Julia catches her eye on a ring and continues staring at it.
Camila lets her down as she starts wringling in her arms.
Julia runs towards the case and starts squealing while staring at the ring hidden behind glass.
Eddie turns around after hearing Julia squeal.
He walks over to Camila.
"Is she ok." Eddie asks Camila.
Camila walks over to the case she is squealing about.
Julia continues to make grabby hand towards the ring.
Camila starts to laugh when she sees what her daughters are so intrigued about.
"Eddie, look at this ring." Camila laughs.

Eddie walked over behind Julia and stared into the glass.

"Holy shit Julia your a genius." Eddie said all smiles.
He picks Julia up and spins her around before setting her down.
"It's perfect." Eddie said.
Camila precisely packs eyeshadow down on stevies eyelids. Camila had persuaded Stevie to let her do her make up for a special date that Eddie had planned.
"Is this all really necessary." Stevie asked her sister in law.
"Yes, I wanna make you extra pretty for your date. And there....I'm finished. Go put your dress on." Camila said and started packing up the makeup supplies.
Stevie heads to the bathroom with a dress in hand.
She undresses and slides the dress in. It carefully shows her curves.
It was a pastel pink dress that was off the shoulder and flowed down to the end of her knees.
She stepped out of the bathroom and walked to her room.
"How do I look?" Stevie questioned, unsure.
Camila turned around and gasped.
"You look beautiful. " Camila said and carefully hugged Stevie and tried not to mess up her dress.
Camila picked up her camera that was lying in stevies bed.
She quickly snapped a photo of her, much to her protests.
She sat the camera down and checked her watch.
"He told me to take you there by 3:00, so I guess we should be heading there." Camila said.
Stevie nodded and grabbed her purse and put her sandals on.
Camila stopped her car by the beaches opening.
Eddie stood leaning on the fence that shaped the beaches entrance.
Stevie opened Camilas car door. " Have fun."Camila said as Stevie hopped out and closed the door.
Eddie's eyes nearly popped out of his head upon seeing his girlfriend.
She walked towards him and stopped.
"You look beautiful." Eddie said and held his hand towards her.
"Thank you." She said and took his awaiting hand.
They made their way down the sandy shore to where Eddie had arranged a picnic. With a blanket laid out and food to enjoy.
He sat pillow down for her to sit on so she didn't have to sit on the uncomfortable ground. She sat, and he sat in front of her.
For a couple of hours, they enjoyed being in each other's company and enjoying the food he made up.
"Do you want to walk by the shore?"

Eddie asked, his heart beat picking up.
He walked to her side and helped her up, taking her hand, and they made their way to near the water.
They walked for a while. Stevie continued to stare out into the colorful horizon.
Eddie took the chance and got down on one knee, letting go of her hand.
Stevie turned to him in confusion before gears started to turn in her head.
She gasped. Eddie took both of her hands in his.
"Stevie, since the moment I met you in Chuck's Garage (they both laugh), you are the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes up. In fact, my eyes didn't feel special enough to be graced by your presence.
You are light of my life, and I want to make you my wife. So will you do me in honor of marrying me?" Eddie said while pulling the ring out of his pocket and lifting it to her.
"Yes, yes, yes...yes." Stevie said with tears briming her eyes, and they held each other in a hug.
She pointed out her ring finger, and he slid the ring in.
"It's beautiful."She said while admiring the ring.
Eddie picked her up and spun her in a circle before she brought her lips to his, and they kissed for a long moment.

Word Count: 1143
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