Track: Four

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                    * Brooklyn Baby *
                ~ | Season 1, Track 3:
      "Someone Saved My Life Tonight."

Interviewer: "Are we finally going to ge to the part where Eddie took you on the date?"
Stevie: "Yes." (she said with a laugh)

Camila knocked on Stevies door with Julia in her arms.
Stevie opened the door.
"I have something for you for an anonymous person." Camila said with a smirk holding out an envelope.
"Tell me how it goes." She said before walking off to go feed the baby.
Stevie closed the door and opened the envelope.
"Be ready by 6:00."
The note said.
Stevie smiled to herself and looked at the clock reading 3:30.
She quickly put the card on her dresser and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

She pulled out a white floral dress with white sandals.
And curled her long brown hair with curlers.
Then, add eyeliner and blush along with a red lip.
As she was putting her earrings in, she heard a knock at her door.
She skipped over to her poster, littered the door, and opened it.
"Hello, Mr. Anonymous." Stevie said with a huge smile.
Hello, you look beautiful. " Eddie said with shock on his features and blush creeping on his cheeks.
He wore a nice button-down, putting effort to look nice even though he always does.
"Well, thank you." She said.
Eddie held his hand up, and she took it.
Eddie drove them to a nice restaurant by the beach.
They walked inside, and the waiter took them to a nice secluded area on the porch outside, having a beautiful view of the beach.
Eddie pulls her chair out, and she quickly sits down, and he pushes her in.
Eddie walks over the other side of the table, sitting down and pushing himself in.
The waiter asks for their drink orders, and they both get a coke.
They both just chat about random things they didn't know about each other.
"Is Stevie your real name or a nick name ." Eddie asked. "No, my real name is Stephanie. Since me and Graham are close in age, he could never fully say my name, so he started calling me Stevie for short." She said. Eddie laughs at that. "Stevie suits you better. I could never see you as a Stephanie." He said.
"Yea, me either." She said.
The waiter comes back with their drinks, and Eddie orders a steak, and Stevie orders shrimp scampi. They both continued to get to know each other even more than they thought they could.
Eddie and Stevie walk on the beach with the moon shining broght above them.
Eddie takes her hand as he kicks at the sand.
"Stevie?" Eddie said, grabbing her attention.
"Yea." She responded.
"Will you be my girlfriend."He questioned her.
"Yes." She wrapped her arms around him, and he did the same.
Eddie lifted her chin and kissed her lips. She returned the kiss and smiled into his lips.
Eddie and Stevie sneak into the house sofly, shutting the door so as not to wake anyone up.
Graham turns on the lights and catches them with Warren, Karen, and Camila behind him.
"Ah ha." Warren laughs.
"I knew something suspicious was going on between you too." Graham said with his arms crossed, but a smirk played on his lips.
Camila runs up to Eddie.
"Did you ask her." Camila whispered to Eddie.
Eddie nods towards the smiling girl.
Camila squeals and runs over to Stevie and hugs her. They both giggle,  and Karen's smiles at the interaction.
"Finally." Karen said.
"There was so much sexual tension between you, too. " Karen said, smirking.
"Hey, that's my little sister you're talking about." Graham said.
"You guys can't tell Billy when he gets home. You know how he would act." Stevie said. They all nod toward her.
"I'm happy for you." Graham said to his sister and pulled her into a hug.

Stevie sat on a stool by Eddie outside while Grahams car pulled in. The car came to a stop, and Billy got out.
"Welcome home." Warren said with a huge smile, and Karen pulled him in for a hug.
Stevie got off the stool and went to greet him.
"Hi Billy." Stevie greeted.
Billy responded with a smile and went to go meet his daughter.

Stevie leaned on the wall where the band was having a meeting.
Eddie sat in a chair while the others stood.
"Who the f**k do you think you are, man?" Eddie said with agitation.
"Look, everyone, just calm down, ok." Graham said while looking down at his shoes.
"Oh, for f**king sake, I can't be the only one who's pissed here." Eddie said.
"I don't know what else you want me to say. You guys don't even need me. You have the songs. You got the fan base. I mean, I'm sure if you just...."Billy." Eddie interrupted his speech.
"If you're going, go." Eddie said.
Billy looked at him and nodded his head, walking past Stevie.
Stevie watched him head out the door, and she walked into the room with the remaining band members.
"So now what do we do?" Warren said, worried.

Stevie sat next to Eddie with the others sitting around them.
They were holding auditions for a new lead singer.
Countless people auditioned, but none would be good enough for the six.
"I swear we've seen every bloody front man in the whole of California." Karen said with a sigh.
Eddie stood up.
"Not everyone." Eddie said.
"What." Warren mumbled. Stevie looked up at Eddie in shock.
"I can do it, guys." Eddie said Sure of himself.
"I'm a better guitarist than Billy, I can sing almost as good. Come on,  give me a chance. " Eddie said, pleading.

"I mean, he's already up there." Warren said.
Eddie picks up a guitar and walks farther from them to the microphone.

"Come on, you can't be serious.
Can't even take a joke.
You can promise that the boat won't sink, but could you ever let it float?
The sun is shining down on you.
While the moon is getting bigger
You couldn't flip the switch then, baby.
You couldn't pull the trigger." Eddie sings in tune.
Graham nods towards the others in approval, the others agreeing.

Eddie sat on the railing by Camila, who was playing with Julia on the floor.
"So everything's just back to normal with you guys. I mean, just like that."Eddie asked Camila.
"Sorry, I just I-I don't know how you could...."Have you ever been in love before, eddie?" Camila questioned him.

Billy gave a silent nod.
"You don't just quit loving someone because things get hard. I know you and Stevie haven't said "I love you" to you yet, but I know how deeply you care for her. " Camila said.
Eddie nodded.

(Kinda short, but I'm trying to slow the book down :)
Word count: 1149

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