Chapter 7

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Andrew's POV

I was leaning my back against the wall in the main room in the pack house as all the members started to crowd in for a meeting. "I wonder what the meeting is about?" I hear that question or similar questions.

"What a bunch of halfwits, isn't obvious why we're here." Varg said as look around the room, eyeing the other alphas in the room.

"What do you think it's about?" I ask him and he scoffs at me while stirring around in my head.

"Obviously about invading another territory like the few meetings have been about. What else does the pack leader ever talk about?" Verg says and hummed at his answer as I continued to wait with my arms crossed.

"Well, well, well, look who is all alone. What a surprise?" I hear a familiar sarcastic voice say from my blind spot. I turn my head to see Rafael Gayoso walking towards me with a smirk.

"Rafael you're here early, were no one in your omega harem available or did they all finally wise up and leave you." I say as he stops in front of me and rolls his eyes.

"No, I know it's hard to believe but I do care about this pack. You're just mad cause you are not getting any. Which is your own fault, I mean you have a line of omegas wanting to get in your bed and just keep decline them." He said as he looked at the crowd of people that fit into the main room. "Looks like everyone here. I wonder who the pack leader sent this time?"

As if on cue, all the talking that was going around stopped and the room went silent. We all smelt the scent of the pack leader entering the room. I look upstairs to see her leaning against the railing. With her pale ivory color skin a little tanned, her brunette let down and her brown eyes looking down at us all. With the way she was looking at us you could tell how she earned the respect she has now. With that stern, and taking no bullshit look. Ryong Hyun-Jung was a once in a lifetime alpha and anyone would be lucky to join her pack.

"The pack leader came herself? It must be important." Verg says as he listens attentively to Ryong.

"Sorry to interrupt your studies everyone." She says standing up straight. "I promise this won't take long. I've come with news that you must know. As you know I was injured in our last take over. I've seen a bunch of specialists and they've all said the same thing." She stops a moment to look down at her pack before sighing and continuing. "Because of my injuries, I can't be on the field." The moment she said that an uproar echoed throughout the pack house.

"That's bullshit! We'll protect you, Ryong! Let's find a witch!" I heard the crowd yell at Ryong, but she didn't seem to care for the uproar as shuts it down.

"Silence!" She yells throughout the house and everyone quiets down. "I know that this must be hard to hear, but we must trust our members. They know what is best for me."

There then was a long silence as everyone seemed to be in a sour mood. "So, what happens now? Will you still be the pack leader?" Someone yells. "I'll still follow you!" Another yell out.

"As much as I want to continue as pack leader. I've decided to step down and allow someone else to take my position." She said as she looked around the crowd. "So could I have Briella Sellers, Colt Gray, Rafael Gayoso, and Andrew Morgan follow me upstairs."

All eyes suddenly shifted to each of the ones that were called out, most were on me. Sighing, I went upstairs with the other three. We followed Ryong up to one of the office's in the house and I was the last to enter before the door closed. We all stared at Ryong as she sat behind a desk. "You all must know why you're here. Each one of you I've hand picked you all worthy enough to be the next pack leader. Being the pack leader isn't about being the strongest or the smartest. It's about leadership and all you have shown. Now I won't hold you here if you don't want to be, there's nothing worse than a leader that doesn't want to be. So if any of you want to go, you may."

She waited a moment to see if anyone had wanted to leave, but no one budgeted. We all stayed where we were and waited for her to continue. She smiled at us all. "I knew I chose the right people." She said before she continued on that we could achieve becoming the next pack leader.


"I can't believe we were chosen to be candidates for becoming the next pack leader. This is like the biggest achievement in my life." Rafael says as we walk back to the open court of campus as the wind blows and a few leaves pass by us.

"Didn't you get into a surgeon residency from one of the top hospitals?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"That was bound to happen, this is something that I can only dream of. Think about it, pack leader doctor Rafael Gayoso. It has a ring to it." He says and I look over to him. If this was a cartoon he would have stars in place of his eyes. As we continue to walk, I suddenly pick up a scent. A scent I've been recently interested in. I turn my head to the direction it was coming from and see Ethan laying down in a hammock reading a book.

I must've not been the only one that picked up on a scent because Ethan slowly put down his book and looked over to our direction. We stared at each other as if we were trying to communicate with our eyes. That was until someone walked over to Ethan and held out a bag for him. Ethan looked at the guy I usually see him with and smiled, grabbing the bag.

For a moment I found myself wishing that I was the cause of his smile and captured all his attention. As I found myself wishing I suddenly was brought out of my head by a hand waving in front of me. I look over to Rafael. "What?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Were you daydreaming? That's unlike you." He said, smirking. "I wonder what got your attention in that head of yours."

"None of your business." I say in a matter-of-fact tone and he responds with a hurt look.

"But-but I thought we were best friends." He says wiping away fake tears and I shake my head. I look back in the direction Ethan was but he was gone. Sighing I walk towards the alpha dorms.

"I'm going in for the night, have fun." I say leaving Rafael outside. As I headed inside, I still couldn't get Ethan out of my head. I entered my dorm and lay down on my bed, before long I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts before reaching the name I wanted to see.

"Should I text him?"

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