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3.Person pov.

It had been so long since R.E had properly slept in a bed due to the war, that he couldn't resist just taking a small nap in Prussias bed, after they had send the message to her rulers, he and the few men who accompanied him were given the location of her castle. It had something he liked. Maybe it was the large round bed, specially made for people of their size and wings. Maybe it was the nice large pillow he could hug or even lay on? Or maybe it was the fact that the entire room smelled like her? It didn't matter. He wanted to stay and so it came that now, there was a tall russian, laying in the queens bed with a white dressshirt and some long white pants.

The sudden thud on the floor had woken him, making him jump up and look down at the floor and Prussia. Fastly he jumped up and picked her up, noticing the small stumps laying in the large blood puddle forming.

"Помогите! Позовите врача!". (Help! Call a doctor!) R.E yelled before turning her around, hovering his hand over her wounds. "I am sorry, this will hurt. " And before he finished his sentence, a golden liquid started to drip from his hands, healing her wounds, yet a sizzling noise could be heard. The black blood was reaching strongly with the golden liquid because of their colliding magics.
He paused and picked her up yet still blood kept dripping from somewhere. The russian was confused, yet soon flipped her around, with her head to the side and looked over her back, trying to find the source.

"Пруссия, прошу, помоги мне… Я не хочу раздевать тебя. (Prussia please help me. I dont want to undress you.)

But as expected there was no response. He sighed and secretly hoped for her wounds to be in the middle of her back and nowhere else but as he opened the back of her dress he found nothing but a blood smeared back.

"Боже, прости меня за то, что я так прикасаюсь к девственнице "(God forgive me for that I am touching a virgin like this.)

He quietly prayed before removing her dress, holding her as caring as he could within his arms as he moved off the heavy gown. His white chlothes had stained black already long ago and R.e couldn't tell how he felt about it but soon the gown as off the woman, laying there in meerly a corset and another set of pants. He looked around, taking a knife from his belt and cutting off the tight corset. He knew Prussia well enough to know, that she would have never worn this out of her own pleasure. Angry he ripped off the white puffy pants with the pads on her back.

And there it was. The small end of her tail, that was bleeding prefusely. With care, he healed it too, only noticing now that she had only her panties and socks left. Even her panties weren't made for her and the upper side rubbed against her tail instead of having a hole for it to go through. The socks were ripped, her sharp nails uneven and uncared for, which probably came from them trying to cut them. R.E sighed and took both off as the doctor finally came. He didnt even dare to look at her, turning around since Prussia was higher ranked than he was and she was a countryhuman after all. R.E quietly understood and wraped the unconscious figure into the white sheets, holding her safely and carriening her along the doctor and nurse to the medical wing. It wasnt really a wing but rather a simple room with a few beds and two shelf closets full of glasses with medicine.

Only now he did notice the eyepatch leaking of blood. Afraid that France had hurt it, he removed it cautiously, a bit of blood dripping down her cheek. With his shirt he cleaned it away and opened her eye as no one watched. Underneath he found a  beautiful sky and royal blue coloured iris combined with a turquoise colour with a rather grey sclera. Two scars ran along the eyes sides but he was caught in the beauty of her. Sadly I wasn't for long as he had to again place it upon her. No one should see her eye if she didnt want to.

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