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R.Es pov.

After Prussia had the bad dream she had been...different. She refused to stay in bed, afraid of falling asleep again or so she told us... We were left alone together but in all honesty I think we should leave soon again for our own kingdoms just so we could again do work and maybe Pruss would get as well a bit calmer again. Britain and me just cuddled again and talked about it. I think I really needed that comfort from him and in all honesty, even though I didnt ask for it, he really does know how to massage wings. On certain spots they are just like the strings to a puppet. If rightly handeled and touched, the beginning bones of our wings are so sensitive that we move without wanting to. The one spot makes you move forwards while the other makes you arch you back. Other just drive you insane and make you want more but he avoided them. Before finally as well getting up, I may or may not have kissed his neck so much to the point where he had clearly a few marks but anywayyysss...

I went to take a bath and then changed, suprisingly though, I saw Prussia again, holding a maids hands and talking to her in german. I could make out that the young womans name was Adelhid?- Adelheild? I dont know. I am not german. But it seemed as if Prussia really did find comfort in talking to her as well which made me able to not worry anymore so much. Breakfast was rather strange. It was all the time entirely quiet and no one dared to talk. She seemed like she didnt want to either. I felt quiet bad as we then stood in front of the gates with her waiting for our carrige to arrive as she looked somewhat sad now. I deciced to walk over and finally start a conversation. " Prussia...Uh....Are you....alright?" "No not so much to be honest....I feel a bit empty....If I can say it like that..." Carefully I approached her and gave her a hug. She snuggeled fastly against my chest and held closely onto me.

It felt as if you slept for two weeks in the cold of a simple field bed but suddenly got to sleep in a soft bed after good long hot bath. Just refreshing and calming in every sense possible. I soon felt a third pair of hands and Britain had come in to nuzzle with us as well. Prussias wings just laid down around us and pulled us closer. I need to admit that her wings did came with far more instincts and reflexes than mine did which probably gave them the natural advantage of not being such a weakness as mine were but still I laid them down upon my two beloveds and enjoyed the peace.

3. Persons pov.

Prussia was squeezed inbetween R.E and Britain, feeling all warm after such a cold and distant start into the day. It was true, she did fall for them to a point where she wanted- no needed their touch to feel safe and comfortable. Her wings got stroked by both men as she held onto them, kissing their cheeks tenderly and softly, her hands holding their other cheeks so she wouldn't push them away. "I dont want you to go..." she whimpered, holding onto them with a sad smile. "I know....We just have to and you know that..." Britain mumbled. She nodded and let go of the two, looking down at the ground while crossing her arms. "You two should go now....The way home is long..." Both men nodded and soon walked to their own carrige, their baggage being loaded onto it before they looked back at her.

Prussias wings visibly sunk as they waved her goodbye, a slow but noticably sad waving comming from her in reply. Britain just couldn't other than to sigh at her expression, knowing how hard it would be for her now to learn how to be an independent country and even an Empress but before he could react any further the carrige started riding away and the last thing he saw was the queen in black turning around and walking back into the castle.


Prussias pov.

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