Patrick 4

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Years passed: Senior High School Graduation Day

It was Patrick's graduation day. Patrick tried calling his father since last week. He has been dying to tell his family the news. But never once his call was answered. Until this day, he walked on the aisle alone until he was sitted on his seat.

"And now, for his valedictorian speech, let us all hear from Patrick De Magiba Santos from Humanities and Social Sciences Graduates to represent his co-students."

Patrick walked forward until he found himself at the center of the stage, in front of his co-students, holding the mic. Patrick search the crowd for a sign of nothing. Realizing the truth, Patrick gulped and look up trying to stop his tears of disappointment.

"Good day, everyone. My curtsy to our Principal, to our teachers, staffs, our parents, and, of course, my co-graduates. This day finally come, we have strive our way towards this end and we have reach our hearts towards this path. To tell you the truth, I have written this speech for a week, revising it a couple of times, and polishing it to perfectness. As you know, my fellow graduates, I am someone who is afraid of everything even small talks scares me. I have struggled my way to be up here representing all of you and I don't know if someone such as me really deserves it. I have not been a friend to all of you. A friend who listens to your rants, a friend who is present on your birthdays, a friend who open up his arms to congratulate you on your success, a friend who isn't your leader, a friend who you should not look up to. I am not your friend for I have never been part of your lives even once neither you to mine. For I was focusing on the goals that I thought would lead me to my greatest success in life. The goal that I thought would help me help them be appreciated like how you guys appreciated me. The goal that I was keeping for years to prove myself. And I never thought that this goal would be the one to break me. Standing here in front of you is a son who yearns to make his parents proud. But never once felt proud of. What I am trying to say is that.. My co-students, co-graduates, co-sons and daughters, be lucky when your parents yell that they are proud of you. Because you have what I have been dying to have. Be proud of yourselves when others cannot. Strive your studies because you have the priveleges that others don't. And be thankful of the life you are living. To those students who are just like me, working all day and night, and have reach the same success today, congratulations to us because we have made it. And from then on, my co-graduates, despite our disappointments, life struggles, hardships, and flaws, let us not be frightened of what is about to come. For once, I look at the moon and saw something beyond it- Hope. That would be all, congratulations and goodluck!"

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