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That's the stone that brought me back in time! At least... I think it is.

"I shall now take this rare jewel and offer it to Hapi, god of the Nile!" 

The pharaoh disappears into the temple, and I feel Prince Userma's hand on my arm.

"Nefari? What is the matter? You are in a trance." The Prince asked to me.

"Um.. I was staring at the stone." I said to him. I see a glint in the prince's eyes.

"You like the look of that stone?" Prince Userma asked to me.

"Yes, it's... very beautiful." I said as I nod.

"It is indeed. I do not know where my father found it." Userma said.

"What will happen to it in the temple?" I asked to the prince.

"Not a great deal. It will sit there as an offering." He said.

I have to take a closer look at it to see if it is the magic stone or not.

"Can... anyone just go into the temple to take a closer look?" I asked to the prince.

"Unfortunately not. It is not open to the public." Prince Userma said.

"Oh, that's a shame." I said in a sad tone.

I hand my head in disappointment, but the prince puts a finger under my chin and lifts it.

"While the temple may not be open to all citizens of Egypt, being the prince has its perks." 

My eyes widen. "You can go in there?!" I asked to him.

He smiled at me. "Anytime I like. When this ceremony finishes, why don't I take you in there so you can see the stone up close? It would be just the two of us."

If I let Prince Userma take me into the temple, I'll be able to see if the stone is really the magi stone!

"What do you say, Nefari? Would you like me to take you into the temple and see the stone up close?" The prince asked to me.

"I would love you to take me into the temple." I said to him with a smile.

"I'm glad you accepted my offer. I'm going to enjoy it being just the two of us in there." The prince said with a smile.

Once the ceremony finishes and the crowds have dispersed, Prince Userma takes my hand and leads me into the temple.

Inside the temple, the prince leads me to a plinth on which there's an ornate dish. In the middle of the dish sits the stone.

That's it! It's identical to the one that brought me here! It has to be the same stone.

"You know, now that I am seeing the stone up close, I believe I recognize it." I hear the prince said.

I look at him. "You.. do?" I asked to him.

The prince peers closer at it. "Yes, I think it is... the Eye of Horus. If so, it is believed to have magical properties." 

The prince picks the stone up and surveys it. 

The prince is touching the stone! I can't let it suck him through time! 

"I think you should put the stone back, my prince." I said to him.

"Because... you think I'm going to drop it?" He asked.

"No, I... just think it might... anger the gods or something." I said to him.

The prince chuckles and places the stone back in the dish. 

The Pharaoh's Concubine (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now