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And that's how Prince Userma went on to become Ramses the Great, the third pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

I stop typing and lean back in my desk chair. "Phew! That's it! After three years of research, my college thesis is finally complete! Professor Roberts HAS to give me an A grade for all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into this." I said out of relief.

I realize I'm talking to myself, but I have been alone for so long it feels so good to say something out loud.

"Then I'll have no problem landing my dream job as an Egyptologist at the Brooklyn Museum. But first I'm taking the whole summer off. Maybe I can finally focus on my non-existent love life." I said to myself.

I print out my thesis and take one last look of it. "How did you do it, Userma? You had over 200 wives and concubines in your lifetime. I've only ever caught the attention of one guy, and he was super lame. I guess you being a total hunk probably helped, huh?" I said as I stare at my thesis.

Suddenly, there's a knock on my door.

That's strange. I'm not expecting anyone.

I open my door to a familiar face. "Alvin?!" 

"Surprised to see me?" The man asked to me with a smile in his face.

My cheeks heat up a little. "Um... kinda!" As I shake my head off to compose myself. "Given that the last time we spoke, you told me I was too immature for you and that you didn't see me as girlfriend material." I madly said to him in a calm tone.

"Yeah, listen-- about that... I'm really sorry. I was having a bad day at work, and my cat was sick." He said in a sad tone.

I can't help but roll my eyes. "So... What are you saying? That you didn't mean it? That you DO want me to be your girlfriend?" I asked to him.

"Well... um... do we really need to put a label on things? We can do everything a couple does, just... without calling you my girlfriend. At least in front of my colleagues." Alvin said to me made my eyes widen.

Did he really just say that?!

'Your colleagues?! That's it, isn't it? You're embarrassed by me!" I madly said to him.

"Well... it's just that... they don't usually hang out with anyone that doesn't have a Ph.D. And you're... still an undergraduate." Alvin said. 

"I can't believe you're saying this to me!" I madly said. Alvin's snobbery has always been an issue for me.

"For your information, I'm just about to hand in my thesis! But my qualifications shouldn't have anything to do with whether you want to be seen with me or not!" I madly added.

"Come on, Nefari. We have fun in the bedroom, right?" He said with a sly smile in his lips. I remember the lackluster sex I had with him a few weeks ago. 

You do. Not so sure about myself.

"Why don't we carry on hooking up without anyone having to know about it?" Alvin said to me.

"Alvin... I deserve better than this. You've never treated me right, and you knew it." I said to him.

"Come on, Nefari, don't be like that."

"Alvin, you can't just expect me to be okay with you messing me around all the time. I want a real man in my life. Not some failed historian that's too embarrassed to be seen with me." I said to him.

Alvin sighs and pulls a small parcel from his jacket. "I got this for you." 

"What is it?" I asked to him.

The Pharaoh's Concubine (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now