Chapter 9

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Draco POV

I can't believe it, 3 days! We only have 3 days left. This has probably been the best 2 weeks of my life. I don't want it to be over.

But all great things have to end.

I don't know what to do. I want to make these 3 days worth it. Harry's still sleeping beside me, which, is normal. It's not even 6 AM on a Sunday. He doesn't want to wake up that early.

I realized I haven't actually asked him to date me yet. I sat for a few minutes thinking of a plan, then an idea popped into my head.

I carefully lay down again next to him, wrapping my free arm around him, while smiling to myself.

I was going to make this a great day.

(About an hour later)

"Morning, Harry!"

"Mm.. Morning Draco."

"Come on, I want to get up."


I managed to drag him out into the common room. We sat there and had a hearty conversation till it was time for breakfast.

I've noticed how Harry's improved using his left hand. I don't have to help him as much anymore.

After we finished, I suggested we go to the courtyard to hang out. It was a quiet, warm day.


We sat under a nearby tree, and just talked about our past years, and laughed at how much we progressed.

Harry was leaning on my shoulder, as he does, and all went quiet.

'This is it.'



"I've been thinking about this a lot, lately. And I'm curious. What would you say if I asked you to be my boyfriend?"

"Why? Are you asking?"


"Of course I will, you prat." He laughed.

My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I can't believe it finally happened.

I laughed as well and gently grabbed his chin, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was sweet, and loving, and we kissed till we were both gasping for air. I put my arm around his waist as we both looked up at the sky, finally able to enjoy a few moments together in peace.

"Hey, Draco?"


"Do you want us to stay in private for a while? Or go public immediately?"

"Do you feel comfortable coming out to the whole school?"

"Well, if I wanted the school to know I'd just tell some friends to spread it on."

"If you want, we can always go to Pansy. She'll save us from having to do something ridiculous in front of the whole school. She spreads rumors fast."

"I guess we could do that, but I'd rather stay in private for a while first."

"If that's what you want, then we'll do that."

Harry smiled and leaned into my shoulder again. I put my head on his, then we stayed there until it was time to go inside.

"There you guys are! We've been looking all over for you, where have you been?" Hermione ran over to the two boys as they walked in.

"Probably off somewhere snogging." Ron rolled his eyes.

"It was only that one night!" Harry protested. He was lying, of course. But I just went along with it.

"Hermione, tell your boyfriend to stop making such accusations without any evidence. Please and thank you." It took everything I had in me to not smirk while saying that sentence.

Harry nudged me with his elbow, so I just shrugged.

"Forget what Ronald said! Where were you two?!"

"Out in the courtyard." Harry said simply.

We finally got through Hermione to go eat, then we went to the library to kill some time. Dinner time soon arrived, and before we knew it, it was time for lights out.

2 days left.

Sorry for the short chapter! I really needed to post, but I didn't feel very motivated. I'll try and make the chapters longer! Love ya!

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