Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

Ron, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and some other boys walked into the boys dorms together. They were considering going to bed, but then they saw Draco and Harry. The two of them had tangled themselves together. Ron and others couldn't help but chuckle, and Seamus did more of a snicker. Because that's what Seamus does.

"Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Neville's gaze hadn't moved from the two boys in front of them.

"Of course we are. I can't believe it. Maybe McGonagall's punishment is working better than intended." Dean thought aloud curiously.

"Or maybe they tangled themselves while unconscious." Ron muttered.

"Let's stop looking at them is if they are some unusual creature and go to bed!" Seamus gave an exasperated sigh.

"Probably a good idea." Ron said quickly.

"Let's hurry before they wake up." Neville murmured.

"Too late for that." Dean pointed to the two boys.

Draco was stirring, and it looked like he was about to open his eyes.

"HURRY!" Seamus whisper-yelled.

The boys quickly scrambled around to their beds. The last of them had just laid down when Draco opened his eyes.

Draco POV

I can't believe these idiots woke me up. What were they doing anyway? Now I can't sleep. That's just great.

There is something in my chest. I can feel it. I look down. I wish I hadn't done that.

Potter's head is snuggled into my chest.

And our legs are tangled.

My arm is wrapped around him.

It's like we're actually a couple.

Why is my face so warm all of a sudden?

Why is my heart pounding?

Why do I want to kiss him and tell him how much I love him?

Merlin, he's going to kill me. Just like that bloody chicken.

Now that I'm awake, I don't know what to do. I can't just get up. I guess I could consider trying to go back to sleep. I haven't really tried all that hard.

Potter is stirring. He can't be waking up! He just can't. What if I wrapped my arm around him tighter to stop him? It's worth a try.

It seems to be working. His head is snuggled closer into my chest. He seems comfortable, at least. Why do I feel like that is the most important thing right now?

It shouldn't..

Should it?

I'm not all that sure.

Harry POV

I'm awake. I don't know what our dorm mates were talking about, but they woke me up. Something tells me they woke Malfoy up too. I can't see anything. It's dark and I don't have my glasses. But, I can feel our legs tangled. Which is awkward. I'm pretty sure I'm snuggled into his chest. He's warm, and smells nice. I find myself trying to snuggle in deeper.

Now there's a tight squeeze around me. I didn't even realize his arm was there. I don't know the purpose of it, but maybe it is to keep me from moving. I don't know.

"Draco?" I whispered. "Did they wake you up, too?"

"If by 'they' you mean our really obnoxious dorm mates, yeah." He whispered back.

"I can't fall back asleep."

"Neither can I. Want to go sit in the common room for a bit and talk?"


We quietly got up and walked out and into the common room. I still couldn't really see, but Malfoy was leading me. We sat down on the couch closest to the fire, which was still burning.

"Here, I grabbed your glasses just in case you wanted them."

"Thank you." I smiled.

He handed them to me. Once I put them on, the scene was much clearer. It was also very cold.

"You're shaking again." Malfoy pointed out worriedly.

"Maybe that's because it's cold."

"I'm not cold."

"You weren't just surrounded in warmth, like I was."

"Alright, alright. Just come here."

Malfoy pulled me into an embrace. It was very warm, similar to the feeling I felt before. He was rubbing my arms in an up and down motion repeatedly, and occasionally squeezing my hand. I didn't feel any need to, but I started to sob. He squeezes me tighter in response.

"Potter, it's okay. I'm here."

Third Person POV

The pair continued to sit on the couch in each other's embrace. Harry's sobbing started to ease. Soon enough, they were basically cuddling. Harry was curled up next to Draco, with their conjoined hands in between them. Draco's free arm was wrapped tightly around Harry. The tall blond didn't even try to question why the smaller boy was crying. Harry had all reason to.

Soon enough, Harry was asleep. On Draco's shoulder, of course.

'So much for talking.' Draco thought with a smile, while pulling Harry closer to him.

A few minutes later, there was a creak. It seemed to be coming from a door to one of the dorms. Draco couldn't tell which one. A figure then appeared out of the girls dorms.

"I knew I heard something." The figure said.

"Hello, Granger." Draco said quitely.

"What are you and Harry doing out here?"

"Those bloody idiots we have to share a dorm with woke us up. So I suggested we come out here and talk for a bit."

"I heard sobbing though. What happened?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. When we got out here, he said he was cold. So I hugged him to keep him warm. That's when he started to sob. He eventually fell asleep.."

"Alright. Mind if I sit?"

"Not at all."

Hermione sat in the spot next to them, and smiled.

"What's that huge grin for?" Draco asked.

"You two look adorable, with Harry snuggled into your arms like that. He doesn't even seem to mind. In fact, he looks quite comfortable."

"He does look comfortable. But he's the adorable one."

"You really like him, don't you?" Hermione giggled.

"I can't deny that. I'm almost thankful for Headmistress McGonagall. Almost."

"You should probably get going to bed. It's very late"

"Yeah I guess so."

Draco picked Harry up, and bridal carried him to the dorms, with Hermione smiling brightly behind them.

'They are absolutely perfect for each other.' Hermione picked herself up, and went back to bed.

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