Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

Drarry finally made it to the Eighth year common room for the party. As soon as they walked in, they knew they were in for a good time. There were cushions and blankets EVERYWHERE, plenty of comfortable spaces to sit. There was a side table decorated with food, along with some Firewhiskey and Butterbeer, of course. Pansy was welcoming everyone in as they took their seats wherever they wanted. She quickly invited the pair in and they sat in a free spot on the couch together. Soon enough, the games begun.

"Welcome, everyone! I'm so glad you all came. We are going to have a great time! I have a list of games we could play, which should we do first? Never have I ever?" Pansy cheered.

"What's that?" A Hufflepuff student asked.

"It's where I read off a series of questions from this separate parchment-" Pansy grabbed it from beside her and held it up. "-and if it applies to you, raise your hand. Simple. Oh, and one more thing. There is a charm on the game, which forces you to raise your hand if it does."

Everyone nodded and the game begun. The questions got more intense, (and maybe a bit personal) as time went on. Harry felt attacked on some of the questions. Like they were pointed at him specifically. Draco felt the same way.

"Never have I ever almost been killed 7 times or more?" Pansy read.

Harry raised his free hand.

"Never have I ever wanted to befriend my enemy?"

Draco raised HIS free hand.

"Never have I ever.. Stalked my crush to get their attention?" Pansy smirked.

Harry and Draco unintentionally raised their conjoined hands. (They both blamed the game once it was all over.)

'Oooh's' could be heard around the room. Along with some wolf whistles. The two confused wizards looked at each other with eyebrows raised. They then turned to all the staring faces around the room. Harry got a quick burst of nervousness, and, feeling it, Draco gave Harry's hand a reassuring squeeze. They now had to face the fact that now everyone wanted to know more. Many more questions were asked, and the game forced them to answer. Luckily nobody asked about crushes. They were much too "mature" for that. Soon enough, they decided to move on to the next game- Truth or dare, obviously. Because that's the MOST original idea EVER.

Pansy immediately knew her targets. 

'Let's just hope they cooperate.'  She thought.

" Potter, lets start with you. Truth or dare?"

'Uh oh' He thought. 'I'm nowhere near safe now.' 

"Truth." He answered cautiously.

"Alright. Just drink this- thank you. Now, what is it like being stuck with Malfoy?" She smirked.

"It's not bad. He's a nice bloke once you get to know him." Harry said smoothly. It was as if it was natural to say such things. He couldn't lie, of course. Because he was required to take a truth potion.

Draco just simply smiled, a light blush crawling up his cheeks.

The game continued until it eventually got back to Pansy's turn. 'One target left.' She suddenly smirked at the thought.

"Draco, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Draco smiled confidently.

"You shouldn't have done that.." Harry whispered.

"I'll be fine, Harry." Draco assured.

"I dare you to have a full on make-out session with Potter, for five minutes." Pansy's smirk expanded.


Draco and Harry looked at each other, each with different thoughts in their minds and emotions swarming through their eyes. Draco grabbed Harry's chin and kissed him gently. Harry was stunned, but kissed back after a few seconds. Their eyes slowly closed. The kisses were sweet, not at all aggressive, but filled with desperation and longing. Everyone else were watching silently, as to not ruin the moment. Those sweet kisses turned into French kisses. Their mouths moved perfectly together as they continued. Soon enough, those wonderful five minutes were up. The two separated slowly, eyes fluttering open. Cheers suddenly erupted as they smiled at each other.

"Told you." Draco grinned, kissing Harry again.

"Shut up." Harry chuckled, kissing back.

More cheers that could be heard from across the castle filled the common room.

"ALRIGHT, break it up lovebirds!" Ron walked over and pulled them apart, as far as he possibly could. He didn't get very far.

Everyone erupted in laughter. With Draco and Harry chuckling a little. Everyone finally were able to maintain their laughter and continue the game. It was Draco's turn.

"Alright. Zabini, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm no coward."

"Alright then. Hold hands with Parkinson for the rest of the game."

Blaise said nothing, got up, and walked over to Pansy. For once, she didn't try to fight anyone about it. He sat down and grabbed her hand.

"I can't believe that's the best you could come up with," Blaise began. "Anyway, it's my turn. So, Potter, truth or dare?"

"Why do I feel like I'm being targeted-!? Fine, dare."

"Sit in Draco's lap for the rest of the night." he smirked.


"A dare is a dare, Harry." Draco looked over to the smaller boy beside him.

"Fine, fine."

Harry stood up slightly and plopped down in Draco's lap. Immediately an arm was wrapped around him, just for comfort. Draco started caressing the back of Harry's hand with his thumb gently. The game continued on for a bit, until somebody asked Harry again. Harry chose truth.

"What was your life like before Hogwarts?"

Harry's relaxed position suddenly changed. He was curling up uncomfortably, then started shaking. All of those horrid memories came flying back to him. He didn't want to remember. He wanted to cry, but couldn't in front of a crowd. Luckily, Draco was there to help him.

"Shh, shh, Harry. It's alright. They can't hurt you here. You're safe." Draco assured.

"I don't get it. He's Harry Potter! His relatives must of had to love him! They were looking after a celebrity, for Merlin's sake!" A student called out.

Everyone just ignored the student, too focused on Drarry. While Draco, on the other hand, was just focused on calming Harry down.

"I'll take Harry up to the dorms," Draco stated after a while. "You guys continue the game."

Draco stood up with Harry still curled up in his arms. Once he was in the dorms, he shut the door quietly and walked over to his bed, then sat down. As soon as he did that, Harry broke.

"Hey, it's alright. They won't hurt you ever again. I'll make sure of that. For now, just let it out. I'm right here." Draco planted a kiss on Harry's forehead.

"I'm sorry- I- I shouldn't be over reacting like this." Harry said in between sniffles.

"Harry, you aren't over reacting. This is normal. You suffered some terrible trauma. You are a human being with feelings, you can't help it. It's okay." Draco tried to reassure Harry again.

They both sat there, with Draco slowly rocking the two of them back and forth. Harry's sobbing slowed, and soon came to a stop. After a while, Draco eventually realized that Harry had fallen asleep. And giving him one last kiss goodnight, he fell asleep as well.

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