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 WHEN Aiden Jackson walked to school, he did not expect to get covered in water.

No, it wasn't the rain. Quite the contrary, the sun was bright, the sky blue, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. So no, not the rain. It was bloody Frigg Evans. He just knew it.

But the worst part of it? He fell in the hundred years old 'bucket on the door' trick. That was fucking embarrassing. She was so dead.

Now that he thought of it, he should've expected this. They'd had this whole war going on since they were seven. Every morning, she would surprise him with something. And he was never kind with his revenge.

"You know," John said with an amused look. "I'm pretty sure you put that bucket there yourself."

Aiden gave him an unamused glance. "Why in the world would I do that?"

Lucas nodded seriously. "To be able to strip. Duh," he replied easily. Aiden rolled his eyes. He wasn't even striping. Only taking off his wet shirt.

"Nah," John poured in. "I think he only needed a reason to talk to Frigg."

Jai raised an eyebrow. "Are you stupid? He wanted people to notice him, that's all."

"Or," Lucas said, "He wants to give Frigg a detention too, so he finally gets a date with her."

What a bunch of idiots. Aiden rolled his eyes, but he felt his lips curl up slightly. He mentally ran over his to do list for the day.

Kill Frigg.

Find friends who have brains, which would be an update to the present ones.

Kill Frigg.

And, maybe put a dry shirt on.

"You said you had clothes in your locker," he said to Reece. Reece always got extra clothes with him for in case someone (cough-Lucas and John-cough) started a food fight during lunch. He was the last person who'd take part of a food fight, and that made of him the first person people (cough- Lucas and John-cough) would want to throw food at. The last thing Reece wanted was to walk around in dirty clothes, explaining why he took his precautions.

"I do." The small group walked to the lockers and Reece handed him a white shirt. "You're lucky I got it."

"Thanks. Now, where the hell is she?"

"Where is who?" Azalea asked, appearing out of no where. Jai opened his mouth to answer his girlfriend's question but she raised her hands to tell them all to shut up. "Wait, Aiden's angry, covered of water and wants to find a girl. Of course we're talking about Frigg Evans."

See? Those kind of scenarios happen way to many times. "But I'm afraid, Addy Poo," the girl with silver dyed hair continued, "that our dear little prankster's in music class right now."

Aiden groaned. "How'd you know?"

She shrugged. "We share this class." Aiden shouldn't be surprised she was playing truant. When they got to the classroom, she kissed Jai on the cheek quickly, and disappeared in the hallway.

"I'm way to single," Lucas sighed. "Jai got Azalea, Reece got Chloe and Aiden got Frigg."

While Reece didn't raise his head from his phone's screen to correct him, Aiden raised an eyebrow. He'd heard quite a bunch of stupidities in his life, but Lucas somehow always managed to surprise him. "What do you mean I got Frigg?"

Jai gave him a look. "You guys have been teasing and flirting with one another for years."

Aiden grimaced. "It's not teasing! Nor flirting! It's just her being fucking annoying!"

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