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"Alice, you must get up!" Emily nudged me rather hard with her foot. I yawned trying to pull myself from sleep,

"Did I sleep too long?" Emily didn't mind answering my question. Instead she continued to holler.

"You must move faster!" She unzipped my sleeping bag and tossed my clothes at me.

"If you're not out of this tent in two minutes I will personally drag you to the meeting!" With that, Emily marched out of the tent. Stunned, it took me a while to realize what she'd said. Before you knew it, I was yanking my nightgown off and starting to pull on my pants. Once fully dressed, I exited the tent at full speed only to run straight into Isaac.

"Isaac what are you doing here?" Isaac stood tall with his hands behind his back next to the entrance of my tent.

"I was ordered to escort you."

"What's going on?"

"Come with me." He grabbed my arm and started to pull me through the sea of bodies.

"Isaac, why are you acting like that?" He didn't say a word. Instead he kept his eyes forward and his face stone hard. I looked up at the sky trying to determine what time it was to find it still pitch black. Why was everyone up so early? Distracted by the fast movement of everyone around me, I didn't realize Isaac had stopped. I rammed into the person in front of me. Without thinking to apologize, I looked around trying to figure out what was happening.

It looked like the whole camp had been assembled. There wasn't more than a light buzz of conversation throughout the crowd. We were facing the throne stand. It acted like a stage in this setting. Suddenly a man with a battered t-shirt and cargo pants walked to the center of the 'stage'. The people around me–including Isaac–started to cheer wildly. I stared hard and long at the man. His beard was red and scruffy, and his hair was starting to gray at the roots. His eyes were stone cold as they stared out into the crowd waiting for them to quiet. Then he spoke,

"We have little time. Today we're sending troop six and troop one out to start moving in on the Red Queen." Again the crowd cheered at this news. I'd noticed how tired his voice sounded and wondered how much sleep he'd had lately. He continued to speak, "In three days, we expect to reach her castle. On day two, troops three and four are to travel to her castle as well. That will round out to thirty people." My stomach lurched. Thirty people? That's more than half of the camp!

"I have faith in us. I believe we can conquer the Red Queen and her army. Are you with me?" The camp yet again screamed loudly in response.

"Down with the Queen!" The man shouted, throwing his fist in the air. The camp repeated the chant, then dispersed. I recognized the fire in his eyes. My father's eyes would set aglow like that when he'd talk about his ideas and inventions. Then it all fell into place.

This man was my father.

My heart stopped beating. My lungs stopped breathing. I couldn't move. I hadn't seen him in four years and now here he stood leading an army. He looked so much older from the last time I'd seen him.


My father was leading an army into battle. I was not about to let that happen. I sprung forward pushing through people like a mad woman. I could hear Isaac behind me, but he wasn't about to stop me. I bounded up the stairs ascending to the stage. Once he was in arm's reach, I leapt towards him grabbing him around his shoulders.

"Father!" He pulled from my grasp and turned around sharply. By then, Isaac was right behind me.

"Excuse me ma'am; I-" I cut him off,

Alice's NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now