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"This can't be..." I breathed in,. studying my surroundings. It was just like in the dream. I couldn't find the sun, and yet everything was so bright. I continued walking down the dirt path I had found. The path ended at a small clearing; and there he was smiling brightly at me. My mouth went dry as I floundered for words. The man I always left. The one I dreamed about endlessly. His vibrant green eyes enveloped me. The white tactile vest he had on seemed to be full of trinkets and weapons, as if he were ready for any danger. He was outfitted in combat boots, thick cargo pants and a black long sleeve shirt. His shaggy chestnut brown hair fell into his eyes as he made his way towards me.

"Alice." His deep voice finally broke the silence. I felt faint. This isn't real. I'm going mad. I looked around, searching for sanity when he stepped toward me,

"You've changed so much," He stepped again, this time grabbing my hand, pulling me flush against his chest, "I've missed you," he whispered into my ear. His other hand found its way to the small of my back. The world around us stopped and suddenly it was just Ian and I. I froze, feeling stunned. I remembered his name! Ian. When I woke up from my dreams, I could never remember his name, as hard as I tried. Then again, what evidence do I have to claim I'm not dreaming?

I finally found my words and started to respond, when a voice I knew too well halted our contact.

"Okay lovebirds, back off. It's my turn now," I looked towards the voice and saw my best friend. Small framed but lean, angular bone structure, short jet black pixie haircut, just like in my dreams.

"Emily?" I gasped as another name I could never remember filled my mind. I couldn't say much more because she pulled me into a tight hug. She wore the same thing as Ian, as if it were some sort of uniform.

"It's about time you showed up," She scolded after pulling away.

"What do you mean?" I inquired, "I'm so confused..." I shake my head, not comprehending everything before me. "This, this isn't real. I'm dreaming again..."

"What is she talking about?" Emily sounded concerned, but I wasn't focused on her at all. The air started to feel thick in my throat and the world grew blurry around me. I staggered backwards, feeling faint, when Ian grabbed my arm.

"Hey, look at me. Focus." I forced my eyes to meet his. "This isn't a dream. I need you to breathe." I closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"No, but you don't understand. It is. All of this is. It has been, my whole life..."

"Alice," Emily pipes in, concern thick in her tone, "Those weren't dreams, they were memories." My eyes flew open.

"Memories?..." I really needed to sit down. This was all too much at once. My gaze fell and locked in on the dirt beneath my bare feet, trying desperately to avoid hyperventilating.

"We need to take her to base. Now." Emily's voice sounded urgent, almost panicked.

"No. It's too soon. There's so much she doesn't know." He looked over at me with a torn face.

"Well, it's not like we sit down for tea and recap!" Emily snaps, eyes scanning the area anxiously.

"We have to fill her in. She needs to know what's happened before she sees him. Or her." Ian implores. Ian takes my hand and pulls my gaze from the ground,

"Alice, some things have changed since you've last been here. Do you remember anything?" He quizzed. I racked my brain for memories of this place. True memories, not dreams or nightmares or whatever goes on in my mind when I sleep.

Alice's NightmaresHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin