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!! - sort of graphic descriptions.
  Reina climbed down the ladder cautiously, and holding on tight so she wouldn't fall. Once on the last couple steps she jumped of landing in her feet.
" My brother knows the tunnels well. He worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him a Avox."
  Pollux turned the corner and started breathing heavily. Reina hadn't been paying much attention though, she simply stared at the long tunnel. And above the sound of the train. The train she once took too the Capitol, the train she took home only once a year.
  As they all walked down the tunnel a sudden loud noise of a train formed. They ran too hide against a wall, Hoping they would get caught. After the train had passed they started walking again.
" We're to exposed here." Katniss said to Pollux, Pollux signaled everyone to a door. He opened it and it led to darker tunnels.
After walking for a long time and walking through water up to their necks, the group found a spot to rest in.
Reina sat against some bars and leaned her head back onto them. Someone sat next to her, it was Finnick.
" When we get out of here... will you marry me?"Finnick ask Reina.
" of course Finn." She said smiling at him, she then quickly kissed him on the lips then laid her head on his shoulder. She slept quietly on his shoulder, peacefully. That was until she heard rustling and saw Katniss now sitting across from Peeta. They were talking, Peeta told Katniss about the tracker hacker venom,and what happened in the Capitol.
" Your still trying to protect me, real or not real?" Peeta asked Katniss.
" Real." Katniss said quietly. " That's what you and I do. Keep each other alive." And that was the end of the conversation. Reina finally knew that Katniss finally was content she still loved Peeta. She soon fell back asleep on her lovers shoulder.
  Everyone soon woke up to peeta,
" We gotta go. We gotta get outta here now. Mutts! They released mutts." They all quickly got up and grabbed their things. Then Reina heard it.. The mutts.
" We need to go now!" She told the others hurridly.  she quickly followed Katniss and Pollux.
  They came up to a opening that Pollux and Katniss crawled through first, then Reina, then peeta , then finnick. Suddenly the mutts jumped onto Lieutenant Jackson, then tried to come through the whole.
" GO GO GO ITS MUTTS!" Reina yelled out. Everyone started running, following Pollux out. Reina shot at the mutts chasing them with Cressida.
  Peeta didn't have anything to protect himself with so Reina did the best she could to help protect him.
  They all somehow made their way up a ladder , once they were all up there Katniss launched a explosive arrow down the whole.
" KEEP MOVING " Gale yelled, They went out into a open room where they were immediately shot at by peacekeepers. Reina threw a explosive knife at them and everyone started running. They dodged the lights that seemed too chop bodies into little square pieces. There were then spikes chasing them, Reina ran as fast as she could to safety. She stood their catching her breath, until she noticed Peeta. He was having an episode.
" IM A MUTT I DONT HAVE CONTROL." He repeated to himself.
" YES YOU DO!" Katniss yelled at him, " LOOK AT ME. Look at me." The two made eye contact and Katniss kissed him, Reina smiled at this. She was happy for them. But just as soon as it happened, it ended. They all continued running follow Cressida,
" I know a place. Up those stairs." She told everyone. Wanted signs everywhere. Cressida banged on a door and a lady opened it. Everyone rushed in side, Reina recognized this person. She was a stylist in the games... president snows cousin.
  Reina looked at Tigress's new look, in Reina's eyes she look bad ass.
Tigress quickly led the group too a underground bunker for them to hide in. One by one they walked down the stairs into the bunker. Reina and Finnick sat on the ground next to each other. Finnick's arm wrapped around her.
  In the moment she thought of Coyro, she hoped he was with Annie or Johanna. Keeping him safe, although he was now old enough to keep up with himself by now. She stared at the floor, Just thinking.
" I made it up... all of it."


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