7 - Kalros pt. 1

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(Okay so I just wanna say how sorry I am in advance to anyone who enjoys our boy Anakin and this new character. Gunna get a bit of jealousy in here. And why do you ask that I'm saying sorry? Well, as you can see by the picture below. Lol Chris Hemsworth is filling in for our character Mathayus. Again! Sorry! Don't hate me xD also this chapter is longer then others.)


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Rick had given all of us fancy rooms since we where his prized guests. Standing in this empty room I scoffed. I looked over my shoulder seeing Anakin enter. He didn't seem pleased to be back here either. But he more so wasn't happy about the fact I was agreeing to do this.

"Y/n. You don't have to do this crap. I can just kill him and Mathayus. Then we can get out of here" he spoke this tenderly as he looked to me. He put his hood down as I sighed. "I know you could. But I don't need to have Mandalorians after me because Vader took down their dome on my behalf. Plus, I want my own payback" when he heard that part it's when I felt his stubborn self relax. I knew he was going to protest, but he understood wanting to get payback. Even more so since he heard what Mathayus had done to my brother.

"Fine. But say the word and I'll gladly help" he spoke this with a smirk as I returned one. "Thanks Anakin. You always are awesome" he folded his arms. "About time you agreed" I scoffed "and there is the ego" he chuckled when I looked around for Felix. "Where is Felix?" I raised an eye brow. "He's in the market for the parts we'll need to make your lightsaber when we get back"

I was still excited about that. But I needed to get over this long trial first. "Can't wait for that honestly. Have you found anything else out about our connection?" He shook his head sighing "no. Believe me I've been looking. Felix said how we are feeling does sound familiar to something he heard the Sith have been wanting for centuries. But.." I looked his way curious to why he stopped. "They haven't been able to obtain it. So he said he's looking into it"

I looked out of the glass window over looking the dome. A party had broke out to celebrate the return of the champion and the upcoming battle. I sighed and gripped the desk in front of the window. I felt Anakin beside me and he placed his hand on top of mine tenderly. This simple act calmed me down greatly. But it also confused me. Why was he being so tender? He knew I loved him. But he still hadn't told me how he felt. "Ani. You haven't—"

"I know." He cut me off as I made eye contact. "You read my mind didn't you?" He smirked "yeah, since you do it to me all the time now" I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "I can't help it sometimes." He rubbed his thumb on my hand. "When you win this I'll tell you how I feel as your true reward" I opened my eyes wide as I felt my stomach get butterflies. More reason to win this then just revenge then I thought as I felt my heart skip a beat. He chuckled and pointed to his mind. "Yes it is" he heard a knock as he went back to his stern self.

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