Sad Violinist

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Your POV.

Weeks had passed, and I was still being asked so many different questions. The most about would be who would play piano. I had just learned from Kurloz how to play, so I would when the piano was needed.

Gamzee asked,"Would you help me with this song?" He then held up a price of sheet music. I held it in my hand. The scratches on it and the rips. I noticed how beautiful it was, how yellowish it was. I asked,"What is this?" "The song for the married," he mentioned, "A man had made this after his love married another. He was madly in love with her. I simply motherfucking call the motherfucker the sad violinist."

After we played the song for awhile I noticed one thing, the violin was fairly more beautifully played than the piano.

After a couple of hours of practicing, Kurloz walked in, mouth unstitched. Gamzee wasn't surprised, it was like this happens all the time. "Hello, (Y/N) how are you?" he had asked. "Just peachy," I said back. He held out his hand at me. I looked up and he wanted me to take it I guess. So I did.
Gamzee started playing, and Kurloz started dancing with me. He held my waist and brought me closer. I held one of his hands and held his shoulder. there was barley an inch between our faces. Gamzee stopped. And left the room, not finishing the song.


Sorry this was stupid guys.
I just hoped you liked it!!!

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