9 - Coca-Cola love

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The next morning you all stood equipped and as ready as you'll ever be. "First squad Shooter Jo Jangsu. Assistant shooter Guk Yeong Su" Platoon leader started to call out people's roles. "Second squad Shoot Kim Yoo Jung. Assistant shooter Wang Tae Man." Taeman looked shocked hearing this whilst the girls sighed it wasn't them. "Search Team Lee Na Ra, Kwon Il ha. Sniper An Y/n . Observer Do Soo Chul." Once giving out the roles he gave a rundown of what the mission layout would be. Once arriving at the area everyone had to be on alert and the two members of the search team acted as advanced guards at the front.

After Platoon leader informed everyone on that he handed two black devices to the Shooters of each group. Whilst lifting up his own. "This is a sphere detector. It's prototype, so it isn't perfect and we shouldn't 100% rely on it because of this" Platoon leader announced. Then him and WonBin headed to the cars, the whole class quickly gathering around to look at the sphere detectors. Yoojung and Jangsu turning them on. Taeman took it from Yoojung "Wait why can't I get any signal?" Everyone just tsked or groaned at the boys comment. "Because there's no spheres!" All the girls called out, you went to give him a hit on the head and Ilha did the same both of you not realising the other was until Taeman received contact from both of your hands. You kinda felt bad now but he'll get over it.

"Second platoon! We'll leave in three minutes. Get into the cars." Platoon leader shouted, everyone heading to get into their designated car. Once arriving everyone got out to search the area. Looking around at the empty streets that were very obviously once full of life and not this sad and depressing. It was an odd sight. "Ah this is odd" Soochul let out, voicing your thoughts. "Exactly what I was thinking" the two of you started talking which didn't go unnoticed from Ilha.

"Yah" he whispered to the girl next to him. Nara just looked at the boy she was paired with. "Do you think they like each other?" He signalled you and Soochul talking with his gun. She looked at the pair of you thinking about it. "I don't know." She shrugged. "Well aren't you girls meant to talk about this sort of thing?" Although stereotypical he actually thought this was true and to some extent it was. "Well we sometimes do but Y/n closest to Bora and Soyeon. If you want to find out if she likes someone the best bet is either of them" the boy nodded at this. He sped up his pace , walking to catch up with Bora and Hana.

"Yah Bora" the girl looked at the boy who called her name. He was about to speak but paused noticing Hana there. "What is it?" Your friend asked the boy. "Nothing" he knew Hana would overthink the question and make something out of it so he decided to leave it be. "Yah come on just tell me" Bora let out bothered he went to say something but stopped himself. He looked over to see you still talking to Soochul, a smile on your face. Something Bora was quick to notice. She let out an amused exhale.

WuTaek entered the chat. "Dude why're you looking at those two?" He asked Ilha noticing his gaze, the boy just looked away. "I wasn't , my gaze just landed on them." Ilha asserted that he wasn't looking at you. Bothered by the boys comment. "You know I'm Y/n's best friend right?" WuTaek smirked at the bothered boy, poking the bear even more. "Whatever, why would I care?" He spat out quickening his pace again to get away from that lot.

"Y/n be careful" Soochul said going infront of you with he gun out and prepared to shoot, looking around the area. This just earnt a few are you kidding me looks from some people behind. "Okay..." you said just watching the boy not sure what else to say. Deokjoong copied it , doing it Hana which just earnt the girl swearing at the boy and giving him a smack to the head. Ilha watched the two of you walk ahead talking, Soochul doing small things like moving you out of the way of stuff on the floor or fixing your helmet. He couldn't help but think it's was cringy and the boy was being way to obvious but to his surprise you didn't seem overly bothered by it.

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