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The doors open only to reveal The marquis...

He was turned around looking at a table full of food. He stopped looking at the table and turned around.

''You know I've awaited a meeting with you''

She wasn't surprised by his words for she has built a ego...

People call you by many names... but what I wish to know is what you want to be called.

''You see, you have quite the staircase built for you, so many people that are falling at your heeled feet ''They do this out of fear, for they aren't aware of what you could do''

''I left the table, but I came back for one reason in particular''

He slightly chuckled at her words.

''I need you to find someone''

She sighed heavily at his request.

''Since when were you allowed to make deals unexpectedly''?

The Marquis gave her a blank glare.

''No sence of humor''?

''No, just give me a name and I'll give you the price''.

She was calm but rather irritated being here.

''I believe you've met him before and became acquainted with him''
''Most would normally call him boogeyman in translation''...

The Untouchable RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora