Who was this Rose?

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This Roses thorns were uncut, painful to the touch. Even with a brush of the stem, you wouldn't see the tower of Eiffels again.

You may who ask who this person is, but She is known to many, as the as the Blood Kiss Rose. But her real name was never truly known, but they've said her name is Dahila the Red Thorned rose.

She was one of a kind, but knew how to blend in. When others were searching, she was already hidden in the dark. But one way people knew who she was, it by her street name but this womans name.

It was far more then some expected, but who knew her personality would call her Dahlia Félicité. Some were interested, while some feared. She was only close to a few but, she was the Wicks friend. But slowly grown apart after there, was only one Wick left.

Not many known about her whereabouts since, only a few people Wick, Cane and Koji with there daughters.

Other then them only some bounty hunters knew, where she has been or was. Only on has been able to ever get close to her.

And now she wonders, if they were hired, or just someone who wanted cash. Her count in USD was just a little over 22 million, most were amazed, while others were dissatisfied. Amateurs thought this was a great price, but Hunters knew better than to walk alone in this suicide mission. There were some who thought they could do it in a breese.

She was known all over, but only to this twisted society of wealth, and power. Dahlia was last seen at the coast Italy, only a few have seen her since. But the location never made it out before it was to late, for the person.

A few would compare her to the man called Cane. There level of skill was rather similar, knowing there ways around blades, and not using their sight.

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