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Today Dahlia was attending her friend's wedding. And boy was she excited for her, marrying the guy of her dreams. But she already knew John, from the Table, at first Dahlia wondered why John had requested to leave. But then she found out that he was getting married to Helen.

But that was five years ago, now Dahlia was attending Helen's funeral. She had gotten a terminal illness, she was always there for John. Now she was checking up on him every day since her death, but she had some things that she needed to attend to. Than she found out about John had gone on a rampage, someone stole his car and killed his companion. Who was a dog, this broke her heart, but Dahlia couldn't leave this unsettled business forgotten. Now she was getting report that he killed off the Russian mafia. He was going for the car apparently, this irritated Dahlia for why he was doing this. But she knew he could do it, that was not a good thing. Although she was interested on how it would play out.

''God why hell is John doing this'', but it would be interesting to see how it would turn out''.

That was not so long ago, now John was excomunacoto. He had killed the crime lord Santino D. Antonio.  It wasn't no secret that me and John knew each other. Of course they came after me, but luckily I was in Hawaii. It absolutely irritated me on how John was causing so much trouble, now the Marquis was looking for me.

God I hated when this happens, people look for me put a bounty on me and then try to make a deal. And when people want me to kill John, I just joke around saying ''Once it's forty million I'll consider it''. That was always the line that made people back off, but it didn't always work. Some people would just try to kill me out of rage, all because I made a joke.

Sure this would made Dahlia upset, but she had to admit that she'd enjoy it from time to time. But this only made her concern worse, what could happen to Koji or Kane. Especially their daughters, oh how she missed them so much. It didn't hit her that she would soon meet one of them again. But all she had on her mind was getting prepared for her upcoming show. Sadly this made her even more anxious, only one person would be watching her. Poor thing didn't even know who it was. But it was far away, so she didn't have to worry to much. Rather than worry she attend business, it was so frequently most Hunters couldn't even trace her location. But little did she know that someone was soon going to be looking for Dahlia in such desperation.

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