CHAPTER 8: Preparing For War

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Previous Chapter:

"Well, Erubus won't be expecting one of his own to aid us," Artemis explained as she repacked the bag. She looked at the werewolf. "Please return here by 7 AM."

He stared at her in fear and scrambled away. Artemis smiled at Percy as they walked back into the tent.

She pointed at the bed closer to the door "That one is yours."

PART 1: The City Of Gold

CHAPTER 8: Preparing For War

Rusting gears twisted in Hephaesteus's workshop.

The god of forges hummed a pleasant tune as slammed a giant hammer into a large flat sheet of Celestial Bronze.

Working relentlessly, he then cut the sheet into 5 smaller pieces and handed them over to the master Cyclops craftsmen.

They were forging enough Armor and Weapons for the entirety of their army, including themselves.

Olympus would soon be at war and it was their job to make sure they were best prepared for it.

While they were craftsmen, they also happened to be fighters and would be critical in the plan to save Olympus from one more major threat.

In the past, they had been saved by demigods and the stupidity of their opposition, but now there was no such luck. The demigods would still be there, but their opposition was moving quite slowly and they had no view of their plans.

The Cyclopses in charge left the forges, covered in soot and smelling like burnt rubber, walking towards the throne room of the gods.

No one was there, everyone was busy doing everything they could to prepare.

He changed directions and made his way to the war room. He shoved the sturdy iron door open and saw Athena, Hermes, and Hades examining and making edits to the various maps, laid down on the table.

" We currently have enough armor for 500 fighters plus a set for each Olympian," he said, inclining his head down toward them.

"Thank you General Regyos," Athena said before motioning for him to come to the map."

"Would it work alright if we had your forces come through from this area?" she asked placing her index finger down onto a specific spot.

"Our spies say that the palace is in the center of the city. We will have a large advance force coming from the front and 4 smaller groups from the side, the main goal is to get 1 group to the palace so they can find the enemy. Destroy as much of the city as possible because then it will take longer to recover from the attack. We also need to remember that it is a city that houses the army we are fighting. There are no civilians."

Regyos nodded before asking. "So would taking prisoners to be advisable or just getting rid of everyone."

Athena seemed to contemplate it, but Hades responded "Getting rid of them, they will spawn in the underworld as a part of my army, each person you leave alive is one less undead fighter we have."

Regyos nodded "Do your forces need armor or can we Cyclops focus on preparing ourselves now?" he asked Hades.

" Prepare yourself, we march in 3 days."

* * * * * FRAGMENTS - PART ONE * * * * *

Dragon scales scraped the hard stone floor as the prisoner attempted to break free. The dragon hissed and tugged at the chains, but they wouldn't budge.

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