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"Mei, I'd like to introduce you to L but he prefers Ryuzaki, Ryuzaki this is my granddaughter Yumeii" gramps said introducing me to L one of the greatest detectives after my parents.

"It's nice to meet you Ryuzaki" I smiled as he froze. He looked like he was malfunctioning to be honest. Ryuko laughed in the background as I mentally scolded him.

"Um is he okay?" I questioned as gramps chuckled. "He'd a bit of a fanboy" he said as I made an 'oh' face looking back at him. Gramps shook his shoulder to snap him out of his shock as I blinked at them.

"Um sorry...it's nice to meet you..." I raised one eyebrow before grinning and agreeing. "Now can I get filled in since you refused to tell me over the phone?" gramps left the room as Ryuzaki gestured me to sit down across from him.

I did so as a surprisingly comfortable silence enveloped us. I felt a tugging in my chest since I had gotten to the hotel. I personally figured it was because of the deaths that continued to increase.

The tugging seemed to get a bit worse I'd be sure to ask mom when I left here. I would ask dad but meh he's always so clueless. He's a smart dummy if that makes sense mom told me not to call him that though. Says it bruises his already big ego and then she has to deal with his incessant whining.

Gramps soon walked back in holding a folder filled to the brim with papers. I blinked at the folder before grabbing it and opening it revealing the first paper.

"So the deaths started a month ago and gradually increased correct?" I questioned flipping through the papers. "Yes" gramps replied as I nodded continuing.

"So the first death was a guy who was holding children and teachers kidnapped and he suddenly had a heart attack in the middle of it all but no one questioned it" I hummed it was weird.

"As of now based on the information gathered the people who have been killed have been broadcasted on tv but they aren't petty crimes more like killers etc the weird thing is they all died of heart attacks" I propped my elbow on my knee while placing my chin in my hand.

The three listened silently as I continued on. Before I could finish I felt something furry brush against my leg and a soft purr. I looked down seeing an all black cat my favorite animal. I almost emphasize on almost squealed as it jumped onto my lap.

I pet it softly as Ryuzaki spoke up. "That's my cat her name is Raven" I looked back down smiling as Raven pawed my sweatpants before curling up in a ball and laying down. Smiling softly I turned back to the papers in my hand.

"As I was saying I believe the person committing these murders resides in Japan due to the fact that all of the deaths were in Japan mostly the Kanto area" Ryuzaki nodded agreeing making me assume he had gathered part of this. The man was rather smart so I wouldn't be surprised.

"I believe I know how this person kills but in order to tell you you have to swear not to speak a word of what I'm going to say if my grandfather trusts you then I will as well so can I trust you?" I asked as his big black eyes stared at me.

He had a dominant aura around him witch intimidated me to no end. Yea I was the goddess of love and fertility and he was just a human but there was something pulling me towards him yet I didn't know what.

He clearly wasn't a talker and he had an obsession with sugar. I came to that conclusion based on the 7 sugar cubes he dropped in his tea along with the cake he had and eventually the cookies.

That couldn't have been healthy and he looked too lazy to workout so what the fuck was going on.

"I swear I won't say a thing you can trust me and...I trust you...I don't know why but I feel like I can" I looked at him shocked not expecting him to say that. I cleared my throat before going into my bag and placing my hand on the death note.

First I looked at Ryu who nodded at it giving permission. I took a deep breath before pulling out the notebook. I held it delicately as if it were a new born baby and showed it to Ryuzaki.

Gramps who had already known of the death note had retired to his room leaving me and Ryuzaki.

"This is a death note it's one of my most prized possessions so I'm trusting you with this knowledge" he nodded as I moved the book close to him. "Touch it and you'll see what I mean" he placed his hand on the book and looked around before his eyes landed on Ryu who was next to me eating a pomegranate now that L could see him he didn't have to worry about a floating fruit.

"Yo" Ryu said as I snorted before clearing my throat. "Ryuzaki this is Ryuko, he's a shinigami otherwise known as a god of death he's practically my brother in all but blood I've had his death note for a while now but I haven't used it before with that being said the use of the book is simple" I put the book back in my bag before closing it.

"To put it simply you have to write a persons first and last name while also imagining their face this prevents people with the same name from dying once a name is written you have a few minutes I don't remember how many but you have write down how the person dies and when if you don't write anything down that person will die from a heart attack 40 seconds after having their hand written down" Ryuko floated around looking at every and anything as Ryuzaki sat processing.

"But what if the name of the person is unknown or what if they don't know the face?" He asked as I scratched the back of my head.

"Well there's something called the shinigami eyes in the book the owner can get the shinigami eyes allowing them to the bane and lifespan of a person in return for half their lifespan so let's say if I had 70 years left to live if I made the deal for the eyes I'd have 35 years left but seeing a persons lifespan can be avoided if the persons face is covered owners of the death note also can not see the lifespan of other owners that's pretty much it each death note does have a shinigami attached though" I explained everything well more like summarized since I didn't explain all the rules.

"So you believe the person causing all of the deaths has a death note and is using it to kîll people off?" I nodded before sitting back down.

"It's the most logical explanation at the moment, right now there are two shinigami on Earth not counting Ryuko. His brother Ryuk is here as well as Rem a female shinigami. Someone does have Ryuks death note but as far as Rems I'm not sure. There's no way for us to know who owns the notebooks because Ryuk goes wherever he never stays with whoever is the owner. For now I have one suspect and not just because he was creepy" Ryuzaki tilted his head and raised one eyebrow.

The action caused him to look like a curious puppy. It was cute. Shaking my head to snap out of my shirt daze I cleared my throat.

"Who's your suspect?" He questioned as I pulled a file from my bag where did I get it? Don't worry about it. Magic.

I handed him the file as he opened it and flipped through the baby pages. "Light Yagami, son of Soichiro Yagami chief of police, straight A student yada, yada, yada" I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

"He's perfect, too perfect in my opinion, he kept looking in to the side of him sometimes but he also has access to police files the only other people I would suspect is the Aizawa family and that's because Detective Aizawa also has access to files as deputy" I passed him the second file with the Aizawa family's information.

"For now there's nothing we can do Watari will be going to the station tomorrow to talk to them and inform them of me being on the case and before you say anything about me risking my identity I'd rather risk mine than you risk yours" he said as his eyes softened I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I looked away.

This little shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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