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"Alex that Yagami kid is really obsessive" I looked at Ryu confusedly. "What do you mean obsessive?" I questioned as he sighed. "You know those stories people wrote about characters being what was that word with the y?" I looked at him with slightly widened eyes.

"Yandere?" He snapped his fingers and nodded pointing at me. "Yea that I've never saw actual hearts in a person is eyes and he secretly took a picture of you when you were moving in" I scrunched my face in disgust.

"I think I'll need to be more careful..." my voice trailed off as I parked in the underground parking lot of the hotel. I reached under the passenger seat and lifted up a hidden compartment and pulled out a book.

The book was all white and it said 'Life Note' in gold letters. There's book was similar to the death note except it could only be used by me since I was the goddess of life and fertility. They went hand in hand which is why it was called the Life Note.

There were other ways for me to create life of course but this was one of the more safer options. So far due to all of the deaths I've had to write a lot of names. Basically when I write a name down it was to make that person more fertile.

When names appear on their own it means that someone is either dying, died, or is being born. As you could assume a lot of deaths have been popping up.

In the five minutes I had the book open 10 names appeared out of those 10, 5 were deaths, 2 were dying, and 3 were born. I was able to thankfully stop those 2 people from dying but I'm not always lucky enough to catch people.

Either way it goes those 2 people will be getting reincarnated. There was no way I could stop the effects of a death note by stopping deaths completely all I could do is stop their souls from being taken and have them reincarnated.

Sadly the reincarnation is taking much longer because of the amount of deaths. Most of the reincarnated souls aren't even placed back on Earth.

Some get put in alternate dimensions Life the ones from movies and tv shows. If you especially had a terrible life you got a choice on where you wanted to go. It all depended there was a quite literally a list of requirements.

After looking through the book I closed it and placed it back in the secret compartment before pressing the button to turn the car off.

I stepped out of the car and made my way to elevator taking it to the 50th floor which was the suite.

I made my way out of the elevator and went directly to the only door on the floor at the end of the hall. There were 24 rooms on each floor except the 50th which was basically just a penthouse.

I knocked on the door in a sequence to make my presence known. Ryuko floated slightly behind me eating a pomegranate that I recently bought him.

I had to get him a lot unless I wanted to witness him going through his withdrawal symptoms which consists of his body twisting up like a pretzel.

"Come in" me and Ryu gave each other a funny look. "Who just keeps their door unlocked?" I questioned as he shrugged. I decided not to question it more and instead open the door entering the room.

I looked around and it was a nice place it looked very luxurious a bit more than the ones I'm America. I walked forward making my way to the living room looking for gramps.

As soon as I entered I stopped upon seeing a man who was about 5'10 slouched over maybe pushing 6'0 when stood up properly. He had black messy hair that looked like bed head, black eyes, and pale skin.

What stuck out to me the most was his seating position. He was sat in the chair hunched over with his legs tucked into himself. He had a cup of tea with a glass container filled with sugar cubes.

I watched as he dropped what had to be 7 sugar cubes in the tea. I grimaced thinking over how it must taste with so much sugar added in it. I heard a throat clear as I turned my attention the kitchen doorway.

I saw gramps standing there with his usual grandfatherly smile as I smiled as well making my way over the hug him.

"It's good to see you again Yumeii" he said hugging me back "same gramps" I pulled away as I furrowed my eyebrows. "We were kind of worried when you contacted us about this case. It's not everyday people start to die randomly from heart attacks" I crossed my arms over my chest as he nodded.

I had almost completely forgotten there was someone else in the room until gramps gestured behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned seeing the same guy sipping his tea while looking up at us.

I raised one eyebrow looking at gramps as he chuckled. Now that's something you don't hear everyday...

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