Chapter 15

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"Life is an experiment in which you may fail or succeed. Explore more, expect least."

[Yoonji POV]

"After I was taken, there's lots of things that happened. One of them happened to be never ending daily dose of abuse. I and a few kids around my age had to train despite all that abuse thrown towards us.

They would make us work until we lost our consciousness. We had to kill or get killed for our own survival.

There were 20 of us both girls and boys in the beginning .... but only 5 survived till the end of this abuse. That's when the real pain started.

We used to get tested or rather I'd call it experimented on. That mad man wanted to create monster who will do anything for him without any questions or reasoning.

There were times when all of us wanted to give up. There were times when we just wanted to end every suffering we have gone through. Many of them tried to end their lives.

2-3 of us were the only one remaining because the other 2 were killed.....

By us!"

I looked at them to see them in tears. I shut my eyes remembering each and every memory as fresh as it could. It feels like just yesterday I was there getting tortured and enduring it to avoid getting my friends in the same position as me.

I am not going to tell them that... I could have escaped if I wanted to, but I didn't because I didn't want my Bangtan boys and my other friends to get tortured. They were keeping track on people or things that are a weakness to us.

That's why none of us left and survived through the torture. Our love for our family was the only thing stopping us and keeping us alive. No matter the circumstances.

"Me and two boys were the ones who survived. If you remember there were 8 people in 2 groups. 4 of them from Nichols group were the people with me who were getting tortured.

They were hunting down the people from roll number 1 to 20.

Roll number 17,18,19 & 20 were killed in the boarding school. We were lucky we were able to escape from that hell hole. But roll number 8, 13,14, 15 & 16 were the one who survived the torture but we also had to kill two for the rest of us to survive. Roll number 15 and 16 were the worst affected from everything happening, but we were doing our best to save them in every round.

Hence they survived till the end. Until we were forced to kill them. Their parents had been tortured, their siblings were assaulted. I will not explain anything and everything because everything happened in front of our eyes.

They begged us to killed them from this torture. They failed to keep their family safe. We promised to relief them with all the pain after we kill each and every one of them...

And that's what we did. We got justice for whatever happened by ourselves and then as promised killed them from all the pain. The three of us separated and made sure to eliminate every people like that monster. That's why I only take the elimination missions to fulfill the promise I made to myself, omma and us five who survived till the end."

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