Tattooed Hottie

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"Hey Davy!!" I yelled as I walked into my favorite tattoo shop. Smiling at my very sexy tattoo artist, David. The only one I would let touch me with an ink filled needle. He was so sexy that I had to pull over and take off my panties on the way over here, because I couldn't stop thinking about the things, I want him to do to me, thank goodness I decided to wear my sundress today so no one would notice. He was slightly taller than me, maybe about 5'11", I was only 5'6". He also had silky smooth dirty blond hair that he always kept hidden under a baseball cap. He was wearing a tight-fitting red t-shirt, that showed his two sleeves of tattoos, and dark blue jeans that sat low on his waist. He always had this boyish charm about him but today he didn't shave so he looked slightly manlier. I loved it. So much so I couldn't stop staring.

And as if it couldn't get any worst he looked up from his drawing and smiled. That beautiful smile that would make any girl breathless. I bit my lip, wanting to just go over to him kneel down and pull his dick into my mouth. "Ash? What did I tell you about calling me Davy?"

His voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I smiled back at him. "Umm that you love it and I'm too cute for you to be mad at me for it." I said with an innocent smile batting my eyelashes as I sat down next to him on the black leather couch.

He turns to face me chuckling at my attempt to look innocent. "You know, if I didn't know you so well, I would fall for that innocent smile like I did when you were 18. But not anymore baby girl." He said flicking my nose and standing up to go to the reception desk where I sometimes work when I'm not in class. "You can't fool me." I smiled as I walked over handing him my ID and credit card, then watch him walk to the back to where the register was.

I remember the first time I met him. It was my eighteenth birthday and my best friend, and my cousin dragged me in here after we went lunch. He was 20 at the time and did my first tattoo. I had a crush on him ever since. So much so that I never really took any other guy seriously. Mainly because none of them could get me to an orgasm. I have actually never had a true orgasm before. I know right, 24 and never had an orgasm, there must be something wrong with me. I'm beginning to think there is no such thing. The bell from the front door took me out of my thoughts a little, but I was soon completely focused on the beautiful leggy, big breasted, short skirt wearing female walking in. Obviously, she's had her boobs done because those were not normal. She also had a few face lifts. She smiled at me and then turned to the reception desk right when David walked back up front. "Hey Brandy. You ready to get started."

She batted her eyelashes while smiling, "Of course David. I'm always ready for you." I rolled my eyes and fake gagged.

"Okay come on back." Putting his hand on her lower back to mover her to his room.

I don't know why but a wave of jealousy took over me and I frowned. I shouldn't be jealous though. I mean he doesn't even like me like that. Every time I'm here he just strictly friendly. As they walked back the other tattoo artist came from the back. I quickly fixed my face smiling at him. "Hey Jason." Jason was very attractive, but I saw him as more of an older brother than anything else. He had long dark brown hair that he always wore in a ponytail, except when he went out. He had two sleeves just like David, but he also had his neck covered in tattoos, whereas David only had his mom's favorite poem on his chest. I only know that because he told me, but I wish I could see it for myself. His chest, not the tattoo exactly.

"Hey pretty girl. What you up to?"

"Nothing much. Waiting for David to finish with that woman so he can start on my tattoo," I said walking over to where he was standing.

"Oh, well that shouldn't take long. She's just getting one of her nipples pierced." Gross, I don't see how girls do it. I mean I thought about it before, but I'm more of a tattoo girl then I am a piercing girl. I feel like it would be really painful. I scrunched my face up to which he laughed. "You know your disgusted face is kind of sexy." Rolling my eyes, I flipped him off. "Just say when baby," he chuckled out before looking back at David and the girl coming back out to the front.

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