Chapter five

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I was checking in on players when I seen the next one to come in was Joe. I got everything ready as he comes in "Hey Joe take a seat and I will get started working with you" I say and he nods sitting down. I get my stuff and take a look at his knee "Any pain since yesterday?" I ask and he shakes his head no.

I nod "That's good meaning it wasn't injured again" I say. I then finish and write some stuff down "No Layla today?" I ask going to my computer but I look at him and he chuckles "No she's with my mom today, she was so sad that she wasn't going to see you today" he says which makes my heart melt.

I smile "She is such a good kid, I was saying to my friend I would watch her over any kid honestly" I say which makes him smile more "I've tried, wasn't easy on my own but I did it" he says.

I nod "Hey being a single parent isn't easy, I can't imagine being a single dad in the profession you're in" I say and he nods "It's been tough but my family helped and my teammates" he says.

I turn to him "I bet, my mom was a single mom and she worked a lot on her own but her friends and my grandmother all helped a lot" I say giving him a warm smile.

He nods as I turn back to my computer but then he speaks up "However Layla's question had me thinking..." he starts making me look at him. If he's going to ask what I think I might freak out. He coughs a bit getting nervous "Maybe we could go on a date?" he asks.

My jaw drops slightly "Um I mean I would love to, but would we be able to? I mean I am your athletic trainer" I say and he shrugs "We can just do it at my house keep it between us?" he suggests and I smile slightly and nod "Then yeah, I would absolutely love to" I say and he smiles.

"Here let me get your number and I will text you the address and what time to come over" he says and I give him my phone to put his number in.

-After work-

I got into my car after work and had a little freak out moment. I mean I am literally about to go on a date with Joe freaking Burrow. I start my car and call Hannah.

She soon answers "Hey babes" she says. "Hey so guess who has a freaking date with Joe Burrow tonight?" I ask making her gasp and then scream.

I laugh turning down the volume "Thanks for blowing out my ear drum" I say "Hannah he wants me to come to his house for the date so we can be out of the public eye" and she screams again "I am coming now to help you pick out an outfit" she says hanging up.

I sigh soon pulling up to my house but I just stay in my car for a bit. How did I just end getting a date with Joe Burrow? I mean this can't be real especially because I work with him. I soon see Hannah pull up who looks so excited. Honestly looks more excited than I do.

I get out and look at Hannah "Hannah I am freaking out!" I say as she comes up to me "That's normal Sammy! Come on!" she squeals and pulls me into the house.

I just let her do it and go into my room and look at my clothes "He said casual" I said looking at Hannah "So kind of like what you wore on the bar?" she asks and I shrug "Maybe slightly nicer ya know?" I suggest and she nods.

I decide on a black tank top and a pair of skinny jeans deciding that it was fine. I sit down so Hannah can do my hair and makeup "I can't believe you're going on a date with Joe Burrow" she says and I shrug "It feels wrong?" I say and she looks at me "You're just getting in your head like always Sammy" she says finishing straightening my hair.

I grab my my makeup only putting on mascara, blush and highlighter. I look at her "What do we think?" I ask and she nods "Beautiful" she says smiling.

I throw on a pair of flip flops grabbing my sunglasses, phone, and purse and then I turn to Hannah "I will call you if I need help ok?" I say walking out with her and she nods.

"Ok have fun! I love you babes!" she says as I walk out to my car. I put his address into my GPS and start to head to his house.

I soon pull up and look at his house taking a deep breath. Maybe I could say I caught a cold? No I'm already here and he probably has a ring camera that could see me pull up.

So I get out and lock my car and then walk up to his door knocking. He soon answers as Layla comes running up.

I smile as she looks up and sees me. She gasps "Sammy!" she says coming up to me. I laugh and pick her up "Hey Layla" I say as Joe lets me in and I smile at him.

"And hello to you Joe" I say making him laugh "My mom is coming soon to pick her up she's just running a bit late" he says leading me into his house which is so not what I was expecting him to have.

The house is not as big as most football players have. It has a lot of toys for Layla and is decorated very homey if that makes sense? I set Layla down and she pulls me to the table in the kitchen "Come color with me" she says.

I follow and I sit down with her to start coloring. She gives me a coloring page in a coloring book and we get to coloring "Im happy you're on a date with my daddy" she says making me look at her. I just smile "Yeah?" I ask and she nods when there's a knock at the door.

Joe answers and soon his mom's voice is filling the house. Layla gasps and runs to the door "MomMom!" she yells. I smile and clean up her coloring stuff and soon the house is quiet except for the sound of the door shutting. Joe comes back to the kitchen "So sorry about that" he says then looks at me "Oh you don't have to clean that" he comes up and I shake my head "Don't worry about it" I say smiling at him.

He nods and goes back to cooking. This date should be fun.

A/N: I wanted to get something out from this story for you guys!

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