Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter 24

At this point, the other gang was on full alert and for sure they would have the last king surrounded and heavily guarded. "stay here." Nate grabbed his duffle bag and made his way toward the building. JJ sat up and patted Alejandro on the shoulder. "Stay here and call in the others, you did good kid." He gave him a warm smile before sliding out of the car and following Nate.

"So, what is the plan?" JJ asked as he walked beside Nathaniel.

"kill them all." He paused to drop his duffle bag and unzipped it. He attached a scope to his rifle as well as placed more clips on his vest. JJ dropped his bag beside Nate's and took out C4 along with tape, Nate lifted a brow at the sight of the c4.

"You know how to mess with that Cajun?" He asked watching JJ stuff the explosives in his pockets.

"Kinda..." He shrugged his shoulders as Nate sighed.

"C4 needs an electronic charge to detonate." Nate went to continue to explain but he was cut off by a hailstorm of bullets flying by them.

The gang had spotted them, and the two devils scattered. Nate went in through the open metal garage door while JJ ran into the front part of the building. He burst through the glass door and slide across the glass. JJ slammed into the front desk and groaned a bit as he sat up on his bottom, luckily no one was in the front part, the rest of the gang must have been in the back. The back where Nate ran into.

"Dang it." JJ groaned as he slowly stood up. A couple of glass shards fell off his messy hair and back. The gas mask had sunk a little on his face but luckily it still sat on his head. The black leather had collected some of the glass from the broken door as it almost stuck to his face. JJ reached up and brushed the remaining pebbles off and adjusted the mask on top of his head. His boots make them crunch as he slowly walked to the back side of the office.

There was a blue metal door with a small window that connected the shop with the front. JJ crept down and walked over to the window, he slowly poked his head up to peek inside the garage area. "Meh laaaa" He whispered to himself as he noticed Nate on the ground surrounded by the other gang members.

"Leave him." His demon appeared beside him.

"mister macho got himself in this mess and it is one less person you have to go through." Sean's voice appeared on the other side of him.

"Johnny, you can't leave him. Nate may be rough around the edges, but he is your partner and he is a good man deep down." JJ Slide down the door and listened to the voices in his head argue. "He is just going to get us killed." His demon hissed.

"you can't leave him to die." JJ growled and squeezed his temples with his palms.

"will you two shut up so I can think." He squeezed his eyes closed trying to think of something.

"I got it." JJ Hopped up and made his way-out side.

"There is a house down in New Orleans...they call the rising sunnnn." JJ sang to shut up and ignore the two other voices fighting. He walked out the front busted doors.

"And it's been the ruin of many young boy, and god knows.... I'm one." He sang as he aimed his rifle and shot the two on top the roof, JJ then took off running towards the forklift parked by the fence. He slung the rifle to his side and walked to the propane bottle on the back of it. JJ untied the tank and quickly waddled over to one of the garage doors. He sat it down on the concrete and took off back a few feet. The Cajun then took a brick of the C4 out and with all his force he threw it at the propane tank and ducked behind the forklift. He covered his ears, but nothing happened.

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