Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

New Iberia, Louisiana

Six months later

"Ma'am.... please don't do that..." JJ tried to remain polite as he gave the woman he had just pulled over a stern look.

"I will do it...I will set myself on fire." The woman yelled shaking the gas can. JJ grits his teeth trying to keep his cool and his sarcastic mouth shut. He turned to glance at his unit with the barking k-9 inside.

"I will do it! I swear!" The woman continues to scream at JJ.

"Why do you want to set yourself on fire?" He asked.

The woman continued to scream obscenities as she reached for the gas can's lid. JJ knew the whole thing was for attention and something was seriously wrong with her, but she brought out a gas can. As she looked down to untwist the can's lid, JJ warned her one last time. Of course, she ignored him and went to pour gas on herself. JJ took off and tackled the woman to the ground. The can and gas went flying in the air as JJ brought the woman to the ground. He struggled to get her on her stomach, as the woman fought back. Sasquatch, the K9 partner, was going nuts in the back of the unit, causing it to shake a bit. JJ finally got her in a wrist lock and was able to get his other hand free to reach for the handcuffs. The woman screamed in pain, along with foul words towards JJ.

"Well you should have listened." JJ huffed as he finally slapped the cuffs on her and radioed in for backup.

After the other unit pulled out with the screaming woman, JJ's beeper went off. It was his mother wanting him to call him back. JJ made his way to the jail, so he could use the phone as well as change his uniform shirt. The gas spilled on him a bit and he couldn't stand the smell, plus it was a hazard.

JJ took his k-9, Sasquatch down to feed and water him while he took a quick break to call his mom. It was a usual conversation. The how is your night? How is your brother? Did you pray and give God some time and conversation? The only difference on tonight's phone call would be when JJ mentioned that he would be moving out the house. Becky and he decided to get a place together and take the relationship to the next level. The two had been dating since the night they met. He braced for the worst and knew his Mom would have a fit. "JJ, you know I love you and I love Becky dearly, but you cannot move in together. You are not married, and you know better." Mary continued lecturing him over the phone.

Sean noticed his brother was in the office and came up behind him. The blonde put his ear next to phone to listen in. JJ noticed Sean eavesdropping and kicked him away. JJ covered the phone with one hand and glared at his brother. "Don't you have prisoners to watch?" JJ hissed loud, but his mother's voice was louder.

Sean had been working at the jail for about six months. All the officers started off working there until they could attend the academy, but the only reason Sean was there so long was due to him failing the first month of the academy. While Sean waited to go back to the academy, his time would be spent in the jail or work release division. Also, the department desperately needed patrol officers, which was the reason they were going to give Sean Simoneaux another chance.

"Yes, mom. Love you...I have to go." JJ practically hung up on her as she was in the middle of a sentence.

"So how is your night really going? Why do you smell like gasoline?" Sean asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Well for starters I had the guy at the cafe, so drunk he was peeing in the corner. After a fight, I finally got him cuffed. Then there was this group of kids skating up and down the middle of the road.... then this one chick starts crying because I pulled her over for speeding...." he paused a moment. Sean went to speak but JJ started up again.

"Then I got in a fight with this other crackhead, sent him here. Then this drunk dude runs into a parked car. Man, it must be a full night or something because I have been none stop." He removed his duty belt and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Man, I can't wait to get on the road. The jail is so boring." Sean pouted as he looked at his boots.

"Switch places for the rest of the night and you can go tackle gas welding crazy ladies." JJ joked.

" that is why I smell like gas. A crazy lady was trying to douse herself with it." He removed his shirt and dug around for a spare.

"Sean do you have one in your locker?" JJ asked his brother.

"Probably, but it will cost you..." Sean tried to keep from laughing.

"Really? Just give me the dang shirt." JJ tossed the gas stained shirt at his brother's face playfully.

As JJ waited, he decided to give his girlfriend a call. Since it was a busy night, he knew he most likely wouldn't get a chance to check in with her again. The off hour schedules the officers worked, along with the high stress, was hard on any relationship. Police Officers did have the highest rate in divorce and relationship problems due to this very reason, but Becky and JJ strived to make things work. It was still a new relationship, and they wanted to test it by taking the next step by living together. JJ never loved a girl like how he loved Becky. She was sweet and caring but was not afraid to speak her mind or put JJ in his place. Becky also got along famously with JJ's mother.

His mother helped push Becky to go to college and strive for her dreams to become an astronomer. The young woman stayed around the Simoneaux home more than her own. Her family didn't care for JJ that much because of how silly he and his brother were at times. Her sister thought Becky was too good for JJ and that she should have been dating a lawyer or Doctor, but Becky loved her simple little deputy and his crazy family.

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