Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12


Marina's part of the family business was flourishing. Many of the cartels in Mexico began to fall, and the Alvarez's business took over. Taking in new recruits and eliminating those who would not pledge allegiance to them. Kevin O'Neil, the CIA agent and liaison to the Alvarez cartel, Promises were coming to pass. The plans set in motion were going smoothly, and everything looked great for Marina's future.

Marina pulled out the small shopping center and onto the bustling street. The Car she was driving looked new. Almond leather seats, Bluetooth and GPS media screen, which her bodyguard was playing with. Marina noticed him going through the different screens and she smacked his hand away. She pressed Fernando's name and the car proceed to dial his number. The two had took their relationship to the next level. Fernando was the only crazy one brave enough to Date her. Marina admired that about him, while others cowered around her, He cracked jokes. Marina's father didn't care who she dated, slept with, or hung around. He trusted his daughter, knowing he taught her well. That when it came down to it, the family and business came first.

"Fernando, I am enjoying this new ride you acquired for me..." she spoke with a smile on the face.

"Acquired?" he spoke with a questionable tone. Marina rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed sound.

"Got... the car you got me." she said roughly.

"Ohhh, oh, yeah, come on marina, just use simple terms, I don't know all that fancy talk." Marina just glared at the screen unable to speak.

"Anyways....:" annoyingly Marina spoke trying to change the subject.

"I normally do not like to drive, But I have been enjoying driving this vehicle. I am on my way to check on some of our drop off locations and was wondering if you would like to have dinner later tonight?" she asked as she glanced to see her bodyguard watching out the window. Her eyes averted back to the road as she drove. Fernando let out a yawn.

"Sure, sure, I just need to get some sleep in. I have been up all night running errands and doing digs for my uncle." Digs, Marina knew just what he meant by that. The business meant new and more frequent dead bodies. The gravedigger was being kept busy.

"Very well, I will come around ten tonight to pick you up.' Marina stopped at a red light and looked in her rearview as a police car pulled behind her. "Si, Senorita." and with that Fernando hung up.

Marina kept her eyes on the Police behind her as she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. The light turned green and she proceed to lift her foot from the brake to press the gas slightly. As soon as Marina began to move forward, the police light bar lite up. "Oh, I know they are not telling me to pull over." she spoke between gnashed teeth in anger. Marina went down the road a bit longer to see if they were trying to pull her over. The car followed behind the white car, almost bumper to bumper. Marina pulled off the main street and down an alleyway. Her bodyguard was on high alert and was reaching for his gun. Marina used one of her hands to motioned him to stop. "No. I want to see what they want, they might be one of ours." some of the cops in this area was on the Alvarez payroll, so Marina figured it was one of her paid police informants asking to speak with her, low key like. Marian put the car in park and waited.

Marina gazed out the side mirror and watched as the single police officer stepped out of his squad car. The older male made his way towards the driver's side slowly. He spoke in the native Spanish tongue, and asked Marina to rolled down her window. Marina compiled and let the automatic window roll down slowly. Her face was like stone as she glared at the police officer. He asked for her license and vehicle information. Marina sat still and didn't move an inch. "What is this about?" she demanded in a stern voice. The police officer insisted on the documents with his hand out while his other slowly moved to his old revolver on his hip. Marina knew the man was not one of her men. She kept her eyes on the officer as her other hand slowly reached out to her bodyguard, signaling him to retrieve the documents for her. He opened the glove box as well as her purse and handed her what she needed. Marina shoved it rudely into the police officer's hand. The police officer went back to his car for a good five minutes, but with the anticipation, to Marina it felt like an hour.

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