Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

New Iberia, Louisiana

It was around seven at night and the sun had sank low behind the horizon as the darkness began to cover the sky. The crickets and a few birds chirped in the distance as the brothers sat in their units. Sasquatch was laying on the back seat of JJ's unit as the brothers were parked under the highway overpass. It had only been a few hours since the two had started their shift and lucky so far it had been quiet. JJ was very grateful, being as he wasn't at a hundred percent mentally. In this line of work, you needed a clear head to make the right decisions, decisions that could mean life or death. Not only did you have to consider your safety or, the other officer's safety but the public's as well.

"Are you serious? She really left you cause of your job? At least you have a that is harsh..." Sean frowned as he talked to his brother who was in the other unit. JJ's short black hair was left of a mess after he ran a hand through it.

"I think there was more to it myself." JJ sat sulking in the driver seat.

"So that is all she said? And then she left? Man, that is brutal. What did mama say?" Sean asked wanting to know more.

"Yes, that is all she said, and I haven't told mom yet. I don't feel like getting the whole lecture. I also don't feel like getting dragged to church with them either. You know how those things are an all-day event." JJ smiled a little bit through his pain.

"Yeah, I know that for sure, I just don't see how they could do that man. All day every day at church...." Sean shook his head.

"Well like she says, 'if you could go to those footballs games all day or the bar all night you can go to church' "JJ tried to mock his mom's voice. This lightened the mood a bit and the two brothers chuckled.

" sorry bro." Sean felt bad for his brother. The two were close and JJ was always there for him. Sean's radio went off before he could say anything else to cheer up his brother. "We have a suspicious person, come on let's go." Sean put his car in drive and made his way onto the highway. JJ sighed and did the same following his brother out to the call.

The two brothers drove a short way to the trailer park where the call came out of. They pulled into the one driveway and exited their units. JJ left the dog inside, who was barking and yelping up a storm. Sean called into the dispatcher to let her know they arrived at the location of the call. Just as JJ was about to say something to his brother, a loud bang of a metal and glass door hitting the side of the trailer rang out. The two spun around on their heels to see the horrible sight. A naked woman in her mid-forties came running out screaming. She was obviously out her mind and on drugs due to her behavior and appearance.

Her skin sagged a bit off her emaciated body as her belly stuck out. "Starving Marvin!" JJ screamed as the two took off after her. The woman screamed and tried to run away from them. Her sagging breast flopping about as she screamed like a squawking bird. Sean's face squinted in disgust. "Ohhhh mannnnn." He whined as he joined his brother in chasing her. The smell hit the two as they got closer and JJ almost threw up in his mouth. Sean let out a gagging noise as he cut her off from running into the road. A few other residents came out to watch the two officers chase down the naked woman.

"Come on lady..." JJ grunted as he tackled her from behind. He held his breath as he tried to wrestle to cuff her. "SEAN!!!" JJ screamed for his brother to help. Sean finally manned up and jumped on the woman to help his brother. She was intensely strong due to the drugs running through her system, so the struggle went on for a couple more minutes. Those couple minutes felt like a lifetime due to the pungent smell of the woman. The two finally were able to cuff her and bring up to her feet. One of the residents of the trailer park brought out a blanket and helped JJ cover the woman up.

"She has to go in your car Sean..." JJ spoke out of breath.

"WHAT! Nooooo." Sean began to complain.

"One, I have the dog in my car. Two, I'm the older brother." JJ tried not to laugh at Sean's reactions. The woman was mumbling gibberish as JJ walked her to Sean's car.

"Oh man, I will never get this smell out my car." Sean complained quietly to his brother, trying not to let the others hear him.

"That is what the prisoners are for." JJ grins as he let her arm go to open Sean's back door.

The woman saw her opportunity and took it. She broke away from them again yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs. "OH, COME ON!!!!" JJ and Sean both yelled at the same time. "I swear I will have to bath in hand sanitizer after this!" JJ complained as he and his brother ran after the woman again.

"I swear I'm going to use that police line tape to hogtie her and throw her in my trunk." Sean growled as he was right on her heels. The chase went on for a few more minutes before they finally grabbed her. JJ carried her by the arms as Sean picked up her feet and the two made the long, foul smelling journey back to Sean's car.

The day, or night in this case, was just getting started, as the brothers ran about the town taking calls. Night time was always the busiest shift, But JJ didn't mind. It helped the time pass quickly. The past few years had begun to show on his face and attitude. He was still a clown, making jokes and what not, but he wasn't as reckless. His brother Sean was a different story. JJ thought being on this job would straighten him out, but he was still silly old Sean. No matter the mistakes His brother made, JJ was always there to help and teach him. The brothers were close and had always been. Yes, they would fight at times, sometimes it would turn into fist fights, but they always forgave each other. The Simoneaux brothers were inseparable and everyone knew that.

The Job started to bleed into JJ's personal life, and with most cops it was normal. He was always on duty even when off. Sitting with his back to the wall in restaurants, carrying his gun with him everywhere, and always profiling people. He was also single now. Ever since Becky left, JJ didn't want to risk another relationship. JJ's comings and goings were put on the back burner as the job took over. JJ was striving to move up to sergeant position on his shift, and the constant training of sasquatch took over everything. Sleeping, eating and working was his life now, and the stress was starting to get to him. He started distancing himself from his mother and the rest of his family, except for Sean. That was only due to them working together. Protecting and serving his community and people were hard. Most the citizens out there on the streets hated your guts, but where the first ones to call you when they were in trouble. It was a bit backwards yes, but his call to aid people looked past how they treated him.

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