Chapter 8

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Jinx left the next morning to go to Silco again and I took the opportunity to go get a fresh pair of clothes from my hideout and a shower.  

When I was done, I went back to Jinx's workshop and I sat down on the couch and waited until she returned

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When I was done, I went back to Jinx's workshop and I sat down on the couch and waited until she returned. She came in a few minutes later and looked at me weirdly "have you been wearing that the entire time?" She asked me and I laughed "as always your skills of observation are second to none Jinx" I said and she got out the device she built and put it on the ground and she took the book she stole and hung down the propellers "boring...boring. Wow super boring" she said paging through the book. Then she sat up "here we go" she said and made a few modifications "it's all about these ruins" she said showing me the page "they form some kind of mathy, magicky the realm of heebie-jeebies...and this turns it on" she said showing me the gemstone before putting it in the device "so here goes" she said and turned it on before there was a mini explosion and everything started floating "what the...?" I said before everything returned to normal well almost Jinx started breathing rapidly "you okay Jinx?" I asked her as she stared at the contents on the floor "no, no it was a mistake. It was a mistake" she said running out of the room "poor girl" I noted and started cleaning up the mess. When I was done I looked at her device "well she's not entirely wrong. She just needs to stabilize it" I said and did a few modifications on it before grabbing my mask. I decided to go for a walk this evening since the sky was clear. I walked along the river until I spot two familiar figures in the water. It was Jinx and Silco. I slowly went closer until I was at the edge of the docs but they were still too far away for me to hear anything so I decided to head back to Jinx's workshop and waited there for a few minutes then she finally showed up "I think I wanna try again" she said and put the device she built on the table "that's my girl" I said giving her a hug and she went to work. After a few minutes she put the gem back in and turned the nob and instead of an explosion, we were surrounded by blue light and runes. She did a little twirl in her chair and she looked so happy "come on, you and me are gonna celebrate" she said grabbing my hand as I grabbed my mask and we left towards the Last Drop. When we got there it was empty except for the barman "Chuck" Jinx said sitting down startling him making him drop a glass "Thiram, my name's Thiram" he said before looking terrifyingly at me "nice try Chuck" Jinx said and signaled for him to make us drinks "what'll you have?" He asked backing away from us "she's wearing a mask for a reason Chuck, keep up" Jinx said and he poured juice in a glass "what's all the hubbub?" Jinx asked "uh...boss wants us to grab someone up" he said nervously "someone, anyone? Who're you grabbing?" Jinx asked him while playing with the gemstone "some girls...I mean I'm not grabbing girls other than those ones, I guess" he said nervously "focus, who are they? Why wasn't I invited to the party?" She asked "I-I don't know. They got in a fight with Sevika, did a number on her" he said and that peaked her interest "oh really? Which number?" She asked taking a sip of her drink "it's like a saying..." he said and she hugged him "you're doing great Chuck, here for your troubles" she said and attached a grenade to his back. He started panicking when it started ticking but the only thing that came out of it was pink smoke 'I guess old habits die hard' I thought as we made our way upstairs to Silco's office. Once we got there, Jinx put one of her grenades at the door before placing a tripwire on it "you're not planning on killing us, are you?" I asked and she giggled "no, these don't go boom" she said and I laughed before we heard footsteps coming up the stairs "you sit" she said pointing towards the couch and she sat in Silco's chair before turning around and a few minutes later Sevika came in looking pretty beaten up "we lost her" she said looking at the chair and Jinx turned around "lost who?" She asked and Sevika came into the room tripping the wire and looking at me before she passed out "that was fun to watch" I said and she rolled her eyes "help me get her here" she said and I picked up Sevika's limp body with ease and put her in the chair where Jinx tied her up on the chair she was sitting in earlier. Jinx spun her around a few times before she slapped her across the face and she woke up and looked at me before looking at Jinx who was smiling at her "I feel like you and I got off on the wrong arm" she said and took the knife out of Sevika's arm "maybe we should try the other" she said pointing the knife at the other arm but Sevika just smirked "no need, it's your sister" she said and Jinx stared at her surprised "she's back, she's looking for you" she said and then she looked at me "it's not what you think, she's with some girl enforcer, guess she replaced you" she said and Jinx used her feet to bring the chair closer and put the knife just above her shoulder "you're lying!" she said and Sevika chuckled "why bother? Her back in town it's only a matter of time before you implode and Silco finally gets the message that you're about as good for our cause as you were for your family...Jinx" she said and Jinx winced as if what Sevika said really got to her before... "achoo!" she said pushing the chair back with her feet "ten outta ten toots. I think I know just how to deliver that message" she said looking at me and I punched Sevika through the face, knocking her out. After Jinx tied her up again we left the office "what now?" I asked and she looked ahead "you find out if it's true. I have to go check on something" she said and I watched her walk away before seeing Silco with two of his men going in the opposite direction of the Last Drop "where are you going?" I asked silently, following them. They stopped sometime later at an old water tower at the edge of town where the addicts instantly surrounded them and two girls came out. It was Vi, she's alive. I watched one of Silco's men give a vial of shimmer to another beggar before he left and Silco looked at Vi with an amusing smirk "Vander's prodigy. I regretted that we've never had the opportunity to speak" he said and I rolled my eyes 'dramatic much' I thought as Vi stepped forward "what have you done with my sister?" She asked venomously "I freed her...candidly" He said giving the vials of shimmer to the beggars "I thought you were the prize of your second-hand family but Jinx...oh she's more than I ever imagined" he said and I couldn't help but agree with him. Jinx is special in her own way "I'm gonna find her and erase whatever fucked-up delusions you put in her head but first I'm gonna bring your bullshit empire down all around you" Vi said and I stared shocked 'so taking down Silco is more important than her sister?' I thought as Silco spoke again "you don't know your limits girl. It's what got Vander killed, what drove your sister away and it's why I'm here right now" he said and I took that as my cue to leave and go find Jinx to tell her what happened.  

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