Chapter 11 Analia

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I would like to tell you that when I got home, my mother welcomed me with a dinner of waffles with strawberries dipped in chocolate. Because she knows that when I am happy, I like breakfast for dinner.

I would like to tell you she was already on a video call with Hera so I could tell them why I was so happy when my mother called earlier, and that is why they were waiting for me to talk about my «little» big day, where I came out of my cocoon a little. Since in this home, we celebrate ourselves and enjoy being happy; we live life.

However, that happens to other people, not me.

I not only had to, on the day that I half shined at work with my boss, and finally be on his radar, ask him for permission and leave work early.

Why? You will ask yourselves. Because my mother was in jail.

On the way out, I took four buses to get to the station. Two more than necessary because I got lost. That is why I walked four blocks to get there. On this walk, I felt like people looked at me with pity. That is what my face probably would look like. It served at least for a man to kindly tell me where to continue so I could finally arrive.

The station is in chaos. In a corner is a disheveled, light-haired man covered in dirt with one hand handcuffed to a bench. He notices my presence, and I do not know if it is because I was looking at him, but he tells me,

—Mami... do you want any of this? — Moving his body suggestively.

— Ugh! I will never comprehend why men think calling women « mommy » is a compliment. It is somewhat incestuous.

I walk to the counter quickly, trying not to look around me anymore. Apparently, this is the only type of man who finds me attractive. Something to think about later.

Through the circle in the glass of an office where I have to stand on tiptoe to reach, I say in a voice not strong enough:

— Good afternoon.

Nothing. The police officer speaking to another person does not turn around. I clear my throat, preparing to speak louder. At that point, he turns around and tells me,

—What do you want?

— I think my mother is here — is the only thing I can say; it is hard to explain myself. I never thought I would have to go through this.

—Ma'am, speak louder!

Here we go with the «ma'am» thing again. This time I say more forcefully — my mother, Carmen, is currently in custody here. I am coming to get her.

—And madam, could you tell me her last name? There are many immigrants in this place, and that name is quite common.

I tell him — Martinez. — He is going to search on the computer. I swallow it and do not tell him we were born in this country. But hey, everyone is free to assume what they want.

He returns and informs me: — Carmen Martinez. She was driving under the influence of alcohol. Bail $500.

I stare at him. I do not have that kind of money.

— Ma'am, did you hear correctly?


— Once you have the money, go to floor 5.

There are some empty seats in the back. I sit staring at my phone, thinking about; whom I can borrow the money from. I call Alania. It goes to voicemail three times.

When she answers me, it sounds like she is on the street. She tells me — Eliz; I am doing something for work and cannot talk — she hangs up.

I have to call Hera, unfortunately.

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