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"Merry Christmas! What brings you here?"

"Merry Christmas..What do you mean "what brings you here" i live just around the corner. "  Levi frowned "I should be asking you what you're doing so far from your house."

"Ah, I was just doing some shopping." Erwin couldn't find anything else to say, taken aback by Levi's utter rejection of small talk "Well, anyway. Happy birthday."

"Thanks." He was suprised that Erwin knew about his birthday, failing to remember ever telling him about that "Who told you about that?"

"I heard about it from Hange."  Erwin admitted, seeing the look on his face "I actually got you something." 

"You didn't need to."

Erwin teasingly smiled at him, reaching in his coat pocket and pulling out a small present. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper and had a dark blue bow glued on "I thought you might like this."

Levi struggled to open the small box without ripping the neat packaging, but when he finally did what he found was a pair of known-brand wireless earbuds "You sure do have a lot of money to throw around. Aren't these expensive?" 

"I saw you in the hallway a few days ago struggling to untangle your headphones. I thought it must be hard to do with gloves..."  Erwin replied, ignoring his question. They we're in fact, very expensive. At least to someone like Levi. Erwin didn't flinch at the three digit price tag

"...thanks. What are you shopping for?"

"I'm doing some last minute Christmas shopping. Want to come with me?"

'Might as well', levi thought, following behind him. He had nothing better to do anyway.

They walked togheter, exchanging idle chatter about everyday things. The weather, their jobs and other mundane topics.
Levi, who usually wasn't a fan of small talk, felt himself giving in

"Oh, look, milk tea" Erwin pointed at a small shop up ahead

"Milk...what?" Levi was appaled at the thought of putting milk into his usual tea

"You've never had it?"

"No. Gross."

Erwin ordered a cup for himself, matcha tea flavour "You know, you should really try it. I'll treat you!"

"Erwin, the problem isnt the price, its the fact that they put milk and little balls in tea-" Levi was more invested into the conversation now

"Come on, just take a sip of mine, Mr.Tea Connoisseur" Erwin chuckled, seeing Levi so offended at a pastel drink "It's better than it sounds."

Levi, locking eyes with the shop worker for a second, decided not to prolong the public bickering and took a sip. To his suprise, this abomination was pleasantly sweet

Seeing the look in his eyes, Erwin ordered another one.
"What flavour do you want?"

"I don't care."

"Strawberry it is, then."

Levi admitted defeat, taking a sip of his drink.

Erwin almost chocked on one of the tapioca pieces. Luckily, Levi noticed quickly, hitting him on the back so hard he began to see stars. All he could whisper was a quick "Thanks" as he recovered from the damage done to his back

The two men continued walking silently through the street, sipping on their drinks. They didnt speak, but they didnt have to. They have a deep connection, and it is felt through their silence. They both knew that there is something bigger between them, perhaps even bigger than them, but neither was willing to talk about it yet. The answer still wasnt clear in Erwin's mind. The connection was there but...unclear

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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