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Erwin had invited Hange to have a drink with him after work

"Let's sit here" Erwin looked over to Hange, sitting down

Hange grinned, walking over to Erwin's seat at the bar

"I'll pay for the drinks" Erwin smiled, ordering the bar's signature whiskey

"So, what did you call me here for?" Hange leaned onto the table, ordering a shot of some sort of alcohol

"Well, I thought it'd be a nice change of pace."

Hange laughed, downing the shot of alcohol "I guess it is."

"How are things going with you and the man you told me about? How's Moblit?"

"Ah! They're going fantastic! We're actually planning a wedding soon!" Hange grinned from ear to ear "Shit, that was supposed to be a suprise."

"A wedding? This soon?" Erwin raised an eyebrow

They chuckled "We used to know each other. We were in love...a long time ago."

"So, you reunited and decided to get togheter again?"

"Well, our love never really faded. We just drifted apart and lost touch, you could say. So, yes."

"Long distance..?"

"You could say that." Hange chuckled again

"So, what's your future husband like?"

"Ah. He's a really nice guy. He's always happy to listen to me, although he worries about everything a lot. He's shy but he always stands up for me if needed."

"You have to introduce me to him sometime." Erwin smiled  "How about, in exchange, I introduce you to my closest friend?"

"Hm? Sure, what's his name?"

"Miche. I've known him since middle school."

Hange choked slightly on their drink
"I-Is that so? I'd love to meet him! I'd like to invite Levi too, i think he'd like to meet him."

"You're much easier to get along with than Levi" Erwin took a sip of his whiskey "I still don't think Levi likes me very much." 

"I'm sure he likes you more than he lets on, you know."

"Yes,well. I know you said that already but I think you're mistaken" Erwin chuckled

Hange smiled "He had a tough life, you know. He has trouble opening up to people."

Erwin couldn't relate to that. He had his entire life served on a silver platter and always wore his heart on his sleeve.

"Did he? Hm." Erwin looked confused

"What are you thinking about?"

"I know that...we've met...in the past. I don't know where or when...I just know we did."

"You do?!" Hange stopped, placing an arm around his shoulder "Ah, I knew you'd figure it out eventually!"

"Wait, wait you're saying it's true? I really did know him?" Erwin stopped, dumbfounded "Please, where from?"

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't tell you that much." Hange giggled "But you're a bright guy, Erwin. You'll figure it out."

"Why can't you tell me?" Erwin raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his drink

"I could, but I'm sure you wouldn't belive me." Hange continued laughing "I'm afraid you're on your own for that"

Erwin was more confused than ever. Was this some kind of game?

We'll Meet Again [Eruri] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now