Staff Party¹⁵

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Levi? I'm suprised to see you here." Erwin smiled, opening the door "I didn't think you were the type of guy to show up to a staff party."

"I didn't you were the type of guy to host a staff party." Levi leaned on the doorframe, trying to get a glimpse of the room over Erwin's shoulder

Erwin moved out of the way so Levi could enter. His house was like a mini-mansion compared to Levi's no-longer-shared apartment.
The atmosphere lit up with brightly colored decorations. Lights were strung up across every wall and in the corner was a huge Christmas tree whose every centimeter was occupied with a variety of ornaments

"I got pressured by the managment to host it this year. It was so blatantly obvious that none of them could bother."

"That does sound like managment." Levi sighed, dissapointed at the supposed lack of interest from the faculty "When is everyone else coming?"

"Why? Scared you'll be stuck alone with me?" Erwin jokingly smirked "They'll come soon, I hope."

"I'd prefer being alone with you to a half-assed social gathering anyway." Levi retorted "But then again, this is my first so what do I know?"

"Do you dislike all social gatherings?"

"I've never been to a fun one. There's always way too many drunk people and loud music"

Erwin couldn't help but laugh

"What's so funny."

"This isn't a frat party, Levi." Erwin continued laughing "Although maybe that would be at least a bit better. Every staff party feels like a family reuinion. Its always the same questions. I mean...there's only so many years in a row that you can ask someone how they're finding teaching."

"How long have you been a teacher here?"

"About...maybe...five years now? Although I used to be in the other shift until this September."

Levi said nothing, his thoughts interupted by the doorbell ringing

"Hello Hange." Erwin reached out his hand to shake their's

The night turned into a rather mundane blur. It was a cycle of being introduced to people, answering the same questions and then being introduced to more people.
Levi forgot the names and faces of most people by the time he returned home. They were all carbon copies of one-another.

He was the first to leave, getting away as soon as an opportunity arrived

"Levy, was it? I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance." A man approached him, sticking out his hand "I've heard lots about you Lev."

"Huh? And you are?" Levi reluctantly extended his arm  "I don't think I know you."

"I'm Richard. I'm the current Geography teacher in this shift." He appeared to be a man in his late-forties. He wore a suit and overwhelmingly smelled of cheap cologne and sweat "I'm suprised you were invited, being on the cleaning crew. Everyone else here is an actual educator."

"Richard, huh." Levi stopped for a moment to examine the man standing in front of him "Does anybody call you Dick?"

"What? No. That's preposterous. "

"I'm glad to be the first then, Dick."

"Don't call me that, Lev." His voice quivered, he looked like he was about to lose it "That's not my name. My name is Richard."

"That's not my name. My name is Levi. Not Lev, Levi."

"Levi, whatever." Richard said, promtly walking in the other direction

"That's that, then." Levi sighed, expressing his annoyance now that the man was finally gone "What a prick."

Unfortunately, Levi found out that the staff was filled with mostly pricks. None of them had even the slightest bit of individuality. They were all like clones.

"Going home already?" Erwin stopped Levi just as he was heading out. He stepped outside to walk him to his car "And without saying anything."

"I shouldn't have even come." It sounded like something he would usually say, it was just that this time, he sounded more upset than he let on "The only reason anyone talked to me was either to brag or to take jabs at my job."

"Well, yes, they're all just being nice out of formality." Erwin agreed, walking closer to the vechicle

"Look who's talking. A few minutes ago you were handing compliments to every one of those twats." 

"I suppose I'm no diffrent to them. Everybody wants to be liked. It may seem disingenuous to you but that's just how most people are." Erwin exhaled

"You are diffrent, dumbass." Levi remarked, pulling out the keys from his pocket without breaking eye-contact "You don't need to rely on charm like that. You're charismatic without playing a character."

"To you, maybe." he still persisted "I'm not as nice as you think, Levi."

"And yoy don't need to be. Screw those fucks."

"If only it was that simple.." Erwin chuckled at Levi's poor social skills "Anyway, I'm glad you showed up. Even if it was only for a bit." he opened the door to Levi's car "See you, Levi." He leaned into him, whispering and giving him a farewell kiss

"Yeah, see you."

I think the next chapter might be the last

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