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Levi woke up with his usual headache.
Another day.
And a weekend, no less.

Yes, his first day of work, September 1st, was a friday.

And today will be an especially exhausting day.

"Levi!" Hange opened the door
"Morning, Hange." He groaned

He agreed to go to the newly  reopened amusement park with them today.
It had been closed down for quite some time now.
He agreed  to do this for Hange because they did manage to secure him a job, after all.

"Are you ready Levi?!"
"Right, right." He reluctantly sighed

"I'm driving!" They ran out the door
"Not if I can help it!" Levi ran after them, grabbing his phone and locking the door behind himself

"Why'd you pull over?" Hange raised an eyebrow

"I'm stopping to get tea."
"Buy me an iced coffee" Hange added

They made their way over to the amusment park

"Woah!!" Hange yelled excitedly

Levi peaked his head curiously

It was a giant ferris wheel

"There's no way im stepping foot on that."
"For a man who's flown ODM gear for a living you sure do avoid heights" Hange chuckled
"I dont feel like spitting out the tea i just drank, thanks."

Levi examined the other rides at the park.
While he scoffed at the "you must be this tall to ride" signs, he was partially thankful that he wouldn't have to go on those rides.

"Lets go to that one then!" Hange pointed at a ride

Levi felt slightly at ease when he saw the height requirment.
Hange went to the ticket booth, purchasing two tickets. For once in his life Levi was glad that he was under 170cm.

"You're good to go" the employee said as he ripped their tickets
"Are you blind? Im not tall enough-"
The employee just winked at him.
Levi couldn't finish the sentence because Hange pulled him by the hand and practically dragged him onto the ride

It was one of those big tea cups that spins around really fast
He wasn't afraid of heights, he just didnt like them. They brought back too many unwanted memories.

"Woo! Isnt this the greatest?!" Hange yelled
"I could think of a thousand things better than this shitty cup." 
"Aw, you're no fun!"

As they got off the ride, somebody approched them

"Mikasa!" Hange ran towards the raven haired girl

"Hello Hange!" Mikasa smiled

"What brings you two here?", Eren looked Hange's way, "I mean, I understand why Hange would be here but how did you convince Heichou to come?"

"Heichou? So i take it that you too got your memories Jeagerbomb?"
"I did too!" Armin chimed in

"Ah, Arlert." Perhaps his accomplishments in his past life gave him more confidence in his current. Although, he still had that same uneven haircut, now paired with some dorky glasses. He never could dress well.

Jeager looked like a combination of his younger and older self.
He'd grown out his hair a bit, and dressed like your typical teenager.

Mikasa was the one who got the biggest change. She had black pigtails, piercings as well as a skirt and lots of jewelry

"Have you guys found anybody else?" Hange enquired

"Connie, Sasha and Jean." Mikasa said
"Oh and Reiner." Eren added

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