Chapter 3

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Requested by @VixiePlasek

It's been quite a while since the encounter with Kyoka's class. You haven't talked to any of them or had any other encounters like that with them since. But sometimes you'll see them in the hallway or the courtyard and they'll wave at you. You got used to this and would give them a small wave before leaving.

It's lunchtime and you just finished eating and are on your way to the bathroom. There are about ten minutes before the bell rings and classes resume. You just left your stall and are now washing your hands at the sink when somebody walks in. You don't look up to see her reflection in the mirror when you hear her walk behind you. Hoping she keeps walking without acknowledging you, you keep your head low and stare at the soap suds on your hands. 

"Oh," you hear behind you. 

Please don't be talking to me. Please keep walking. You can't see me. I don't exist right now. I'm not here. Please-

"Y/N, right?" Your head shoots up when you realize she knows your name and you see a familiar face but not one you can place. "Jiro's cousin?" 

You nod. 

"Thought so. I'm one of her classmates, we've met before." 

Oh, that's why she looks familiar. What was her name again?"

"Please call me Tsu," she says as if she knew that you couldn't remember her name. 

You nod again. "You can just call me Y/N." You surprise yourself when you say this without a single stutter or hint of hesitation. 

"Okay!" she says, pointer finger at her cheek and tongue hanging out. "Lunch is almost over, gotta go!" She slips into one of the stalls as you dry your hands and quickly leave. 

You stepped out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall next to the door, taking deep breaths. When you hear the water turn on in the bathroom, you scurry out of the hallway and into your classroom. You sit down at your desk and once you have stopped moving, you realize the racing beat of your heart. Your hand rises to your chest and you feel the thump-thump of your heart against your palm. You can't find a reason to explain why your heart is beating so fast so instead, you focus on slow, calm breaths until your heart slows to a regular rate. 

You close your bento and put it back into your school bag just before the bell rings. You hear the hallways fill with people and chatter as you pull out your notebook for your next class. 




Once the dismissal bell rings, you gather your things and get to the nearest exit as quickly as possible. A lot of people see dismissal as a free period, even though we already have at least one a day, and you would rather not get caught up in any of that. 

When you get outside, you see that Kyoka waited for you today. But she's not alone. With her, there are around fifteen people whom you recognize as her classmates. You see her shout at a boy with bright yellow hair. The boy is smiling wide and Kyoka is blushing. 


Kyoka sighs after scolding the boy and then sees you, only five feet away. "Oh, there you are, Y/N!" She waves at you, acquiring the attention of her friends who also wave when they see you. You give a shy wave back. 

"Hey," you say, not looking at anyone other than Kyoka. "Ready to go home?" 

You see your cousin glance at her classmates. "Actually," she says, after receiving nods and thumbs-ups from the people near her. "They asked me to invite you along with us. We're going to go to the movies and then maybe go out to eat later." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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~ Lesbian Rain ~ Tsuyu Asui x Y/N Jirou  ~Where stories live. Discover now