Chapter 9. Post Pills.

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T.W.⚠️ Suicide attempt aftermath. Mentions of pills.

Second person POV: post taking the pills you decide to watch T.V. Till the meds kick in. At first ten minutes pass...then twenty...then thirty...then forty. You wonder why they haven't kicked in yet so instead of worrying you choose to make dinner.

First person POV: I go to the kitchen to get some food. I microwave chicken, squirt ketchup, and take a seat while watching T.V. This ketchup tastes strange but who cares. I continue eating at first but now I feel dizzy and the lights are almost yellow, my visions getting really weird to. ...oh it must be the pills but I have to act natural or my mom will know something's wrong.

Second person POV: you finish dinner and put your plate in the sink but suddenly you throw up. A few thoughts race through your head. "This is because of the pills so I'm going to throw up until there all out and by then my family will know, it'd be better if they heard it from me" so you turned to your mom and explained in very few words that you'd taken way to many pills and she rushed you to the E.R. Once there you were put in a wheelchair and placed in a room. Over the next few hours you lost all lucidity, you throw up everywhere, and managed to forget all but a few moments that occurred in that time. When you finally permanently regained your lucidity you were being loaded onto a bed so you could go in an ambulance to take you to the next hospital. After being loaded into the ambulance you started up a conversation with the EMT that was there with you. It felt like ages before you got to the next hospital but to put a long story short after a few hours in the hospital, talking to several medical professionals, and explaining everything to your mom you were checked out of the hospital. Over the next few days you missed school Friday to process everything so you were away from your friends for four days and while your whole family spent that time getting you a doctor appointment to get medication, worrying about you, and just in general being on edge after the recent events, you spent the time wondering how you would tell your friends about what happened. You thought about only telling one of them or only telling two of them or telling all three or telling none of them. All and all you had a lot to think about. You also thought about what had happened between you and your ex best friend. The four days felt like limbo it was like time wasn't real but eventually it was time for you to head back to school and you were scared.

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