Chapter 15. Kiri?!

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T. W.⚠️ self harm.

Third person POV: It's been a little over three weeks since y/ebfn came to your dorm and while at first she was true to her word and called you as well as vice versa, now she'd stop talking completely. In fact you'd tried calling her but nothing, it makes you angry but it also fuels your depression.

First person POV: I'm in my room having a panic attack, it's just been so hard lately. My anti-depressant hasn't been working like I thought it would and now that we're further into the year class work has been more and more stressful. I walk to my dresser and start looking for a hair tie to keep my hair out of my tears when I find it, I'd lost my knife a few days before my attempt but here it is cleverly hidden under my makeup mirror. A moment or two passes with me simply staring at it and then I pull the side of my pants down just far enough that I can see my hip but not so far that I'm indecent. I pull the blade sharply across my skin, feel that incredible feeling I haven't felt in what feels like forever. My emotional pain evaporates and a smile lands on my face as I repeatedly cut myself, after five total cuts I place the knife down and look at my work. It sounds sick but seeing my scars and watching my blood pour out knowing I caused it makes me feel like a badass. Just as I go to put my leggings over it kiri walks in.

Kiri's POV: I had a bad feeling so I decided to go to Y/n's dorm to make sure she's ok, when I open the door I see her looking at the blood coming out from her hip. We both freeze, we make eye contact and I'm the first to speak
"Y/n..." I say sadly, I pull her into a hug and she says "I'm sorry." I hush her not wanting her to apologize when it's clear that she's already dealing with something's. I pull away and say "Let clean your wounds ok?" She nods and we go to her bathroom, first I give her a bit of toilet paper to wipe up the blood then I put some hydrogen peroxide on the cuts.

Your POV: when kiri put the peroxide on my cut it hurts so I take his hand and squeeze a little. He says "Just like that, good girl." I start blushing but he's to busy with my hip to notice, he places bandages on it and then asks "What brought this on? I thought you were doing ok." He says. "It's just been a bit stressful that's all." "So if I go back to my dorm room now you're not going to do anything crazy to yourself, right?" "Yeah, seriously I'm ok and thanks for helping me by the way." I say, give him a hug at the end. We pull apart but we look at each others lips and lean in. When our lips touch it's like everything I never knew I needed. I'd had a crush on kiri for a while but never wanted to mess up our friendship but now all I can think about is how great this feels. We pull away after a moment and stand awkwardly. He breaks the silence first and says "I've liked you for a while now however I understand if now's not a good time for you but I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend." "Of course I would." I say and we kiss again this time for longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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